Transmission Graveyard(56k warning)

Ever wondered “where does my transmission go when it dies?” Nope? Well i guess now you know! mwcoed from followed up on a rumor that an old man had a 30,000 strong collection of cogswappers spread out over 360 acres. To his disbelief the rumor was spot on.

The owner runs a transmission shop and figured it would be cheaper to store them on his property as opposed to a warehouse (which Incidentally he now also has, and yes its full of transmissions). Aside from the transmissions is a collection of vintage cars, bikes and busses slowly wasting away.

The whole place has a very blair witch feel to it, with antique transmissions covered in 40 years of thorns and weeds i can’t imagine they are going anywhere fast. Imagine the surprise some archeologist is going to get in a couple hundred years time when he uncovers this place buried in the earth

Holy hell…that’s a lot of scrap money sitting there.

pretty cool, reminds me of a tiny chernobyl ;D

looks like a level from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

duh, stalker is based on this shit :lol

i know, i beat it already. effin hate those annoying dogs

this is getting offtopic, but i never bothered to play it.
cod4 dogs were annoying as hell though, and it has a chernobyl level too
i think i’m seeing a pattern…

anyone else notice the russians talking about the worst nuclear disaster in history in reference to car transmissions… meh i guess they have to be famous for something… leave it to the russians. :crackup

what can i say, i’m a visual person

lol that place looks like it’d be fun to just spend a weekend walking around.

most deff…

I want that Samurai!!!

Where is this place?

AMD-wish I had known…we just got rid of a Samurai

:bowdown :bowdown . i need an extra. lol

that would be funny if you walked in,

talked to the guy and said
“Yes, i need a tranny for a 1992 ford festiva” then he says,
“Ya, uh down the road 1/4 mile, look to your left, through all the weeds and shit, and it should be ontop of a dodge dart tranny. you CANT miss it.”

Looks more like a tranny plant.