Trash+Gobble Gobble=?

I wanna try the garbage can turkey this thanksgiving but im not really sure…should i just stick with the good ol oven …any input of personal favorites, hardness to cook ect, ect.

My favorite turkey is allowed to rest thawed in the fridge in a nice brine bath for 24 hrs. After that I pull it out, rinse it, and let it sit for 24 more hrs. in the fridge covered only by a cheesecloth (dish towel if you must). Then i take the cold turkey and coat it in melted butter that has been allowed to cool but not reharden. The cold turkey forces it to harden on contact. Then I give it some pepper, some granulated garlic, kosher salt, rosemary, and sage. Roast covered for a while since a brined turkey will crisp faster, then uncover finish off and voila. PS I start the bird at 420 deg for 45 min. then reduce it to 350 deg when I uncover it.

o wow that sounds good thanks for that advice

who cares about seasoning it. it will only season the skin. its so thick that it doent get to the actuall turkey meat. if you want a real juicy breast though. try cooking it upside down. say you need to cook it for 5 hours do the first 3 right side up then flip it for the last 2. so good

inject it with a nice seasoning blend, I like cajun and garlic (ofcourse salt ect too) all over the bird

then deepfry that bitch, there is nothing better than deepfryed turkey in the turkey world.

im going to make my own injection with butter and emeril essence seasoning

I <3 turkey. This is the best week ever. This thread is giving me a boner.

Can I come over for thanksgiving Mike?



EDIT: Any 1 actually try the trash can turkey?

dude… deep fried turkey is the shizzle

is it healthy? or is it like mcdonalds at home?

it’s actually not THAT bad… it’s delicious though, used to cook them all the time in Texas.

this thread just made me sooo hungry, god damn it


sry bud

I had my first one here in houston!

It was the best turkey I have ever ate.

Super easy to do.

Just have to time it right… over cooking = bird falling apart. undercooking… well under cooks it.

if you have researched it … you shouldn’t have a problem… and GRAB SOME HOT MITTS don’t try to get the bird off the stake with out them.

kk sounds good

You should butter the skin, and personally I fold the skin back and brush the meat with Olive Oil, and season below as well as seasoning the skin. The seasoning on the skin flavors the drippings which leads to a better base for a gravy.

we do trash can turkey and deepfried everyyear … this year im also doing one in the smoker …something like 14 hours of cooking …we cook for about 70 people

trash can turkey is good just like a smoker if you can do it right … took me about 4 years to get it right

yea the alcoholic next door is fucking awesome at it. he also should use condoms like yourself, but they always seem to pump out another child.