Trashing a Cherokee

I think the translation on this video was that this Cherokee had a lot of underside rot, and was going to cost too much to fix, so they decided to have a little fun with it before junking it. Amazing how much abuse a Jeep can endure and still be able to move…

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saw this vid on another forum
It is pretty crazy how much abuse it can handle. The ether trick for reseating a bead is pretty sweet too.

hahahaha taht should be a commercial for jeep those guys were crazy. fuckin germans

awesome vid…

Nuts… Looks fun as hell

Insane…I am way too pussy to do 1/2 that shit

like drive your car?:bowrofl:

that shit was awesome and looked fun as hell makes me want to go out to one of my jeeps and do it


I bet they drove it home,
jeeps ftw

Shiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttt…go to the dumpos and ul see a couple vehicles we have doen that too. We got video from the last one wqe took out,94 pathfinder adn i tell u that fucker would not die! Eventually we had to burn it. R.I.P

then why was the video not in english?

that is awesome

To clean this up: That website is in Dutch. An uglier, harsher Germanic language. Don’t know about the video though.

Because the site you are viewing it on is rehosting the original video (which was made in England).

not german.

dutch maybe?

who does that cover of “Message in a Bottle”?