Travis 1 and Travis 2

we have seen them both nekid,

vwhy es diss?

Seeing a picture of Travis backne girl is one thing, seeing an actual Travis penis picture…


im not sure i can ever look at him the same again now that i have seen his pee-pee

Ooh, I see.
It got weird?



Get it now?


he didnt even cuddle with me afterwards. what a crooked dick!

you sea what i did thur?

Aww, the cuddles are the best part.

this is something im working on.

nicole, tell me something. do all women like to cuddle afterwards? like say i fuck her brains out for like 60 mins stright and after we both reach that almighty O, we are completly drained of life itself. is it acceptable to roll over and ask for a nice sammich while i count sheep? or do i have to cuddle first?


I like cuddles, but let’s face it sometimes you’re just too hot and sweaty and gross, and then there’s clean up to take care of…
Usually cuddles come when the sammich is gone. The best time for cuddles is when you fall asleep doing it.

u fall asleep when ur having sex??? whoa whoa!

Not doing it as in sex, doing it as in the cuddles. Duh.

sure thats what they all say :shifty

Shhhh. Be quiet or next time you leave the garage door open you’ll be sorry.


ur going to come in and rape me while im asleep. :eek:eek2

Not what I had in mind.
I was thinking something like grand theft auto.

ur going to use <>^^ xoxo cheat, get all weapons, run up in my place with guns drawn and…rape me? ur naughty. :tongue
