Anal sex always produces the best looks from girls when it is unexpected
Figured this was a good place for this
but u like spinnin on my cack in return…:shifty
OMG yes!!! he shoulda burned it off though… man style:shifty
Oh boy, shits gettin crazy now!!
hahahahahaha but yes anal is the shit…until u pull out and the girl shits on the floor
What the fuck kind of girls are you fucking?
a girl that weights like 90 lbs soaking wet and a virgin all the way around…
this was like 2 years ago and i havent done it since it kinda grossed me out
I still don’t think she should shit on the floor. The girls I did it to were 105 and the other was 115 and no poo flowed out
it was gross i ran out of the room and went home…havent talk to her since
So who else has stopped counting sex partners?hahah
And Trish, I’m 100 percent clean. Thread is epic and Trish is interested in anal now. I can see the convo happening this weekend with her BF.
rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl the hilarity continues
omg hahahahahahahah breathe hahahahahahahahah
So weve come to the conclusion that Trish is a closet freak, and that Mcflurry’s girls are like little dogs that shit on the floor…
Lmao trish is gonna love it in the tush
:rofl I am no closet freak LOL