travis butt spooge

I just wait for you jack asses to do it

hahaha I wasnt hiding it, just makin ya work for it lol

Like the bf is gonna work for butt sex?

hahahahahaha no work needed for something not being done lol

It is gonna happen

if u think so lol

I know it…I’m going to pay your bf to pull it off

hahahahahaha :rofl

Yea there is no way he will turn that offer down

We need an ETA on when Trish is going to try it in the ass.

Alcohol+Trish will = buttsex.

My guess is within the year EASILY.


It is happening

if u say so lol

I know so pumpkin

:rofl ok, i bet it dont

We definately have a conversion here. Shes gonna try it some night. The bummer is that she’s just gonna be all wacked out and probably imagining its someones foot in her ass. The joy just wont be there. Tricia, if you want it to be successful, get into it, groan, moan, scream, work your way up to giving a reach around… spanking and then, and only then, grab a bullett and go to town on yourseld as your getting ass slammed soggystyle.

There. you’ll be fine now.


Poop comes out and dicks arent supposed to go in.

^^ exactly , oh no the man just got home:ohnoes


thread= epic