travis butt spooge

might not be a good idea to show him this thread.
Does he post here>?

no he doesnt :rofl he thinks forums are gay

Most people dont understand us posting on forums it seems.
I dont know what Id do without forums like this. Id be really bored I suppose.

  • 1 , I love it, well Im going to wendys to grab some grub lol, ill look for someone jerking off in they’re window and waving LOL:rofl

The best 16 pages ever.Keep up the good work guys/gal

I think he’s drunk somewhere hitting on 12 year olds right now

lol nice lol

forums are gay :gay

lmao I actually lol’d when I get to that part :rofl


Did this thread really go for 16 pages? holy fok


Trish wanna come sleep over?

Aw hell yeah dude anal is the best with the lights on so you can SEE WHATS GOING ON! The best is when you first put it in and you can feel that ass clenching down on your crank. The best is also when you pull it out and the asshole is still gaping wide open!!

I hear you on that, my deal was I used to make the girls beg for me to take the rubber off 1/2way thru so she could be ‘bad’ haha

I tell all my friends that it’s like licking a clean belly button. Perfect way to warm that shit up for da dick…

1)Toss (if she’s hot and she just showered

(following steps all have ample amount of lubrication involved)

2)1 finger for a few minutes

3)2 fingers for a few minutes

4)3 fingers or da dick, your choice.

4b)Insert dick if not done in step 4. I normally whisper in her ear ‘relax dat ass and let the dick in’

5)Pump that shit slowly/shallow

6)Pump a little harder/deeper

7)Ram that shit and romance explode

8)Lay back, and enjoy the jizz running out of her ass

What you do at this point is your choice. If you like her, you can hang out and have her fix you some food, etc. Maybe converse about the next time you will have a sexual encounter. If you don’t like her (and didnt have a game plan to exit), you can say ‘oh shit I left the stove on at home, etc’. A classic trick to get out quick is to walk into the bathroom, set your phone alarm (to the same as your ring tone), and pretend to pick it up as a phone call when it’s actually your alarm. At this point, you say shit like ‘OH NO’ and ‘I’ll BE THERE RIGHT AWAY’, etc.

+1 on Travis steps on anal seducing…

You cant just be like you want me to fuck you in the ass… unless you know that shes a freak

If you know shes showered… Play with the puss a bit, then move slowly and start tossing…

If she doesnt object fingers go in…

Trick is you got to be gentle… its not like there pussy… you cant just exspect it to slide right in and start pounding away

Personaly my favorite is Doggy and a thumb up the ass

you guys probably know them better as “finger cots”



hshaahaha i read a few pages then skipped ahead, this is awesome…haha

poor tricia