travis butt spooge

Lmao Lance wtf

hahahahahha page is still private lol a link will do u no good

Wait are cute friends going to be at the super bowl party?

yea really sean brought up a good point thatll make or break it

got it lol

hahahaha maybe, Im inviting nicole, and im sorry I dont know her real name but xtremeangel is invited too :slight_smile: and I might have my friend ashley come up :slight_smile:

You found the boobage?

anyone i know??

No =(, just the site…

Yea the site was linked on the last page jack ass

no adam theres no mohon CP…unfortunaly

And trish invite cute chicks that love anal

I put out a friend request…boobage coming soon…

HAHAHAHAHA jk jk, boobage stays with me…im greedy


Lmao fucker

what men will do for a glimpse at boobage :rolleyes::rofl

I remembered her posting in the shift518 myspace thread… hiding information that you already posted on a site ftl :shifty

You digging through threads to find it is odd

you can go right under their CP, and info and find it…EASY

when we gonna go partying again i miss u spilling beer in ur hair:rofl