November 21, 2009, 1:01pm
this is where i disagree… the ONLY person that can do whatever they want should be vlad. the people he gave “mod ability” to need to be rethought. the forum isnt about right and wrong anymore… its a fucking popularity contest and if the mods dont like you then you get fucked. its a goddamn joke. ive stayed within forum rules since ive come back and havent raised any issue since this bullshit and thats exactly what it is… BULLSHIT. im sure theres others on here that have the same opinion but you’re all just riding the fuckin bandwagon because im the one saying something. i realize im not a “favorite” of many or any of you on here but come the fuck on. maybe im the only one that doesnt wanna be a lemming and follow the herd and just take it. as i said before you are all entitled to your opinions, but that doesnt give “mods” free reign over the forum to ban,modify,delete, or adjust posts as they see fit. as i recall vlad had said everything must go through him a while back… why isnt this still in effect? hey whatever… enjoy being lemmings.
What in your skewed mind makes you think that you have rights here? This is like hanging out in Vlad’s living room after he gave Benny, Singh, Cossey, etc authority in his absence. If you dont like the company you’re in, GTFO, no one’s making you stay.
Benny doesnt have to justify shit to you.