you’re all bringing up alot of shit from forever ago to benefit your arguments. ultimately its vlads call and yes i “spit” in someones face because the whole shit shouldnt have occurred in the fucking 1st place.
you ALL know i have anger problems and my fuse gets lit easily. its my OPINION that people should be in place who can act nonjudgementally as a mod… not someone who is quick to pull the trigger because of who someone is. if im deserving… hey ill man up and take it… but its a croc of horseshit and everyone knew it. you all just went with it because either A.) you thought it was funny or B.) because of who i am… either way it wasnt deserved, funny, humorous or whatever you’d like to label it.
none of you are acting off facts to begin with. you’ve all formulated opinions and thats fine. im not looking for friends… im looking for equal treatment. something that seems hard for the majority of you to grasp the concept of.