Travis Crotch Bitch, Moan, Whine like a girl thread

exactly… its not pretty, but its the truth…



WE let you back on the forums. apparently you think it’s your right to be let on the forums? it’s considered private property. Yes I am friends with vlad, yes I can pretty much do WHATEVER I want, because I’m a mod. who fucking cares.

you got a 48 hour ban, as a joke. I did the same to N!cole. then you immediately come back and make a senseless post spitting in our face?? if we were all strict with the rules you would have been completely banned, at every opportunity whenever your head popped up. but we are lenient.

Stop making waves in the pool, specially when you’ve already shit in it once.


you’re all bringing up alot of shit from forever ago to benefit your arguments. ultimately its vlads call and yes i “spit” in someones face because the whole shit shouldnt have occurred in the fucking 1st place.
you ALL know i have anger problems and my fuse gets lit easily. its my OPINION that people should be in place who can act nonjudgementally as a mod… not someone who is quick to pull the trigger because of who someone is. if im deserving… hey ill man up and take it… but its a croc of horseshit and everyone knew it. you all just went with it because either A.) you thought it was funny or B.) because of who i am… either way it wasnt deserved, funny, humorous or whatever you’d like to label it.

none of you are acting off facts to begin with. you’ve all formulated opinions and thats fine. im not looking for friends… im looking for equal treatment. something that seems hard for the majority of you to grasp the concept of.

“breaker one nine breaker one nine this is the bandit”

bantwo :clap

A.) it was not forever ago.

B.) you have exactly kept a low profile since coming back

C.) If you have an anger problem, then take a break from the forums or something, your current mindset obviously isn’t getting you anywhere

D.) Some of us went with it because we don’t make a policy out of stepping on other mod’s toes, so if a mod bans somebody, it’s pretty much vlads call to unban, not ours.

E.) Remember the golden rule? treat others the way you’d like to be treated. try it on.

cut it with the ban 1 ban 2 shit, we obviously don’t give a fuck what your “opinion” is on bans, and the joke is old and moldy.

Keep it down over there, please.

dont be getting all pissed man, thats not helping anything

if you wanted equal treatment from the mods and other members on this forum, then act like everyone else does…

i’ve always been in the background with this, but now its getting a little ridiculous bro

A.) over a year…

B.) i beg to differ. ive contributed just fine since comming back without fault.

C.) im obviously not having a problem responding civilly. therefore my presence here is of no concern.

D.) i realize its vlads call but if someone had actually looked into the whole BULLSHIT of a banning it wasnt deserved nor was it funny.

E.) that should apply to EVERYONE… and it doesnt. its applied whenever people want to and its horseshit. whens the last time i was treated as a fucking human on here…right. thats what i thought. practice what people preach.

not pissed… making a point. and im not going to just “go with the flow”… when someone says something white is black im obviously going to question it… (im just making an analogy… not to be taken literal)

nvm im being way misunderstood, im all about going against the grain

thats not wat i was trying to say

fuck it bro do w/e the fuck u want

you were let back onto the forums. that alone should say that you were treated well above the bare minimums. granted, its been a year or so, but what went down was still shit.

and nothing said about me was proved. you are all going off of accusations. which hey… like i said… whatever.

" MOM!!! MOM!!! The guys on Shift said I can’t play with them anymore!!"

“Ok hunny, well, find some new friends!!”

“But MOM!! It isn’t fair!! Why can’t I play with them like everyone else?”

“Because hunny. Remember how you stole money from three of them, then left your toys over at that one guys house and never went back to get it? Well, people don’t like that hunny.”

“But MOM that was like, a whole year ago.”

“People don’t forget”

Imo, just deal with the forum and the people on it fwiw. Nothing good comes from calling people out and whatnot, just more problems, tension, and problems down the road. There are some on here that drive me nuts at times, but it is what it is, and at teh end of the day its a car forum. Not a huge factor in my life, and can easily be brushed off.

its the principle… i dont handle CSBS like this laying down.

and last I recalled, this site isn’t called


Like I said, if you go around letting stupid shit getting to you all the time youre going to find yourself very unhappy and whatnot. If it comes down to it and its something THAT important to you, take it up outside the forum, b/c goign back and forth usually doesnt solve shit. It really shouldnt come to that though