Travis Crotch Bitch, Moan, Whine like a girl thread

:rofl :lol :haha

dude seriously are you that starved for attention in your every day life that its barely been a year and you’re already back to starting bullshit. i mean come on we all know what you “ALLEGEDLY” did and yes many people dont know what actually happened… BUT many people DO… so it hasnt been long enough for anyone to actually forget what you’ve done and for you to claim it was “forever ago”… a year is not forever. so as much as you say you dont care and dont give a shit about shift and if you admit that most dont like you why come back to it all over again.


people have expectations, and these expectations are like addictions, and when they dont get what they expect, they respond with negative…

cut the expectations out , stop expecting shit, at the most have preference…

Travis, get a life. Obviously it shouldn’t be this forum.

Does anyone remember that old saying, “If a tree falls in the forest and noone is around to hear it. Does it make a sound?” ?

Well same thing here. The only reason this thread is going anywhere is because people keep replying. The only way shit like this becomes a big deal is if people respond. So starting now…


:rofl He really doesnt get it.

I’m pretty sure everything I posted was facts proven by threads that sit in the archives now and or real life witness’ and or real life evidence

I wasnt going to say anything more in the thread ever since 99FRC posted “/thread”, but since others posted since than…

Singh - Make a vBulletin plugin that automatically locks every thread Failvis makes and locks every post he has from editing and than let’s see how much he can fuck up!

If someone doesnt do something I’m deleting every post i ever made in the CP thread.

Just thought this should be highlighted again for the sake of great hypocrisy.

This thread gets the…


this thread is fucked

idk steve, we could at least make it so he can onlypost in the offtopic thread in the trash bin section…

that would be do-able, we wouldnt have threads like this

omfg. dying over here. (no not literally. sorry to get ur hopes up.)

i am pjb, i love linen

Ehh probably but im not breaking any rules :number1

Nope, sorry. It was like the end of March.


Can’t believe Travis isn’t banned yet. do eettttt

^ def getttin banned…

Brett makes his own rules and enforces them with ninja like secrecy

When I saw the picture of brett… it was like the tactical nuke of the forum had gotten launched, only a matter of time before this thread gets locked