Travis Crotch Bitch, Moan, Whine like a girl thread

gottt eemmmmm!

thanks for acknowledging mine.

? I didnt.

inadvertently u did.

Not sure you understand what ‘inadvertent’ or ‘did’ mean.

i inadvertently sharted today ,i threw those underoos away

have you ever once thought that maybe everyone else is acting the way they do because you are the one in the wrong? why is this concept so hard to grasp for you?

And like said before, you don’t have to be here, and benny or any other mod could ban you for having a bad haircut, it doesn’t matter what the reasoning is. I have never met you, but from how you act on here I am completely for you being banned

It’s called narcissism slammy.

…still waiting for Adam to say beernuts.

mods dont mess with me or anyone else not becasude they like me but because i never do anything to get banned. And who the fuck cares if you cant get on the site for 24 hours or however long. Is shift that fucking important that you need it in your life?

:rofl I was wondering the same thing…

:rofl .

If this whole thing revolves aroud benny acting without vlads consent than you should prob know that vlad was aware of it and it still happened. Now that your already weak arguement has been shot down will you shut up?

Travis I would have banned you for the incident where you continued to slander a female user after she asked about 5 times for you to stop. You then proceed to PM questionable pictures of this member to other member only to cause trouble. You continued to push the issue of something this female member did in the past in order to cause trouble between her and her fiance.

I would have permanently banned you for all the scamms on you ran on this forum AND for the scams on other forums as I would want my forum members to feel save and feel that their forum community looks out for them.

I would have banned you after the forum put together a benefit to bail your ass out and give you money out of our own pockets to help you only to have you free load use the money to buy a car and then not work and piss away money playing poker.

Three solid reason where I will say the owners and moderation have dropped the ball on this forum and not permanently banned you. You are lucky they are young and niave enough to still be kind and allow this because if you think Benny is strict and unfair I would make him look like an angel

Red Dragons redux

Rons bringing down some serious ownage, and if all that shit is true this guy needs a permaban asap

Thaaaaankkk you. I thought I was the only one.

How was he ever allowed back if that stuff is true? Treating women like shit and scamming people of their hard earned money is something that shouldnt be tolerated.

Permaban 1


am I banned yet? :excited


travis listen up dude

I’m gonna try to say FACTS and not have them come out as opinions…

to help you understand exactly what is the problem and why you were unlawfully banned

  • 1

travis, benny is a mod which means he is trusted to do whatever he sees fit.

Your special situation stems way back, its not because you posted in that topic again, you know that if anyone else did this… they wouldn’t of gotten banned.

Your whole situation is special, its the truth that 93% of the people on the forum dont want you here.

I just want to stop the quote there and mention that what happened with the whole pictures of star thing… well thats one thing you must of missed when making the above…

That was completely out of line, and nearly everyone knew about the whole thing, yet you were the only one who felt the need to bring it to public… :Idiots


:rofl thats what it looked like to me, + rep


You have to understand, mods are mods because they are trusted by vlad without question. Do I agree every mod in place? No , everyone knows I dont like brett being a mod… but Im not making threads to bitch about it, I just poke at him :lol

OK really…

I know you are a good person at heart, but I also know you made very bad choices, and dont exactly get along with everyone on this forum. its pretty important for anyone aware of this to keep you at arms length.

I wish you the best no matter what, of course… you are only human, however its no wonder why most people on this forum just straight up hate you