Travis Henry - An Upstanding Citizen

I wanna be like Travis Henry when i grow up.

holy shit, $204k per year in child support.

he better start moving alot more drugs.

Hahah… all that is man thread?

i wonder how many of them are gonna be running backs


He’s a master of the biological imperative. (Or mastered by it.)

Good for him though, bet at least 8-9 of the mothers are hot too.

I wonder how many will sell drugs?

I remember reading something about how ODB got a woman pregnant each year that he wasn’t in jail.

I don’t have no problem with you fuckin’ me but i have a little problem with you not fuckin’ me

He’s got some catching up to do to be anywhere near Ismail the Bloodthirsty.

Check out this related article:

“He was wed, at 19, to another of the nine mothers, who was six years older. Henry’s mother, who picked oranges for a living, disapproved.”


“I did use protection at first,” he said. “Then they’d be saying they’d be on the pill. I was an idiot to trust them. Second or third time with them, I didn’t use it. Then, boom!”


baby you know i’ll take careeeeeeee of you


He won’t be able to catch up to that.

“Mom, who’s my dad?”
“Old dirty bastard”
“No, I know how you feel about him, I meant what’s his name?”
“Old dirty bastard.”
“oh.” :redface:
