Tree cutting dudes...
There nuts, its raining a little and there climbing these 40 ft tress we need cut down.

that takes some balls. f*ck that, too easy to get hurt

a real man would have hooked that tree to his pickemup truck and yanked the bitch out of the ground.

hehe werd.

or a talon AWD!

why to break the talon and leave the tree standing?

just cause of darkstar

I worked in the woods 2 1/2 years.I had a accident broke 3 vertibrays(sp) left shoulder blade and a rib.Off work for over 11 months.If it wasnt for them you would sleep in a ditch.

My family used to run a logging company. Climbing is super fun, but damn scary all at once. Especially when you sink in your climbers and the bark just slides off of the tree.

My dad cut his nose almost off when the saw kicked because of barbed wire grown into the tree.

Log skidders were fun.

ahhh so thats what “Torque” is used for.

hay now. I hear Tussy’s H22 is putting up some pretty sick numbers. Dont be a hater!