Tree Frogs

I cant stand fucking tree frogs. Theyre highly fucking annoying. Theyre all I hear right now. Sometimes one of them sounds like a monkey.

they put me to sleep, its like white noise. Actually theres a setting on my alarm clock that plays soothing sounds and one of them is forest, and its got a lot of tree frog on vocals in it.

I never have trouble falling asleep and luckily my room has windows on the side and not the back where the enemies are.

wtf pjb

is it the noise that bothers ya or the fact they see ya masterbatin over your matchboxes


treefrog is in the cielin watchin ya fap

fucking things are loud and annoying and it seems like theres a million of them in my backyard

Im not doing that right now, trying to order parts

he better not be. Im scared of frogs.

welll aint that a bitch …kinda like watchin the best porn in the world then some asshole edited in gay porn …total bonekiller

That happen to you before?

:cry: :banghead

I soooo should have edited in porn halfway through one of those educational videos from highschool, that would have been epic

We got to watch videos of topless beaches in french class in 11th grade

dude ,i was in health class in 9th grade durin sex ed week .lololol our teacher had a dong and showin us how to use a rubber man i had a boner after that

my health teacher was an old hippy guy. No boner for me.

my friend’s health teacher in middle school was his mom :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl epic fail for him

thats terrible

yea, he said he didn’t care and it wasn’t awkward though :crazy
