A bump in the night

So I am sure we have all had those moments, where it is 2AM and you are awoken by stange sounds/lights, etc. I figured I would share my experience as of very early this morning because it is one in a million and will never happen again. Share your stories as well.

So, it is about 5AM this morning. I am awoken by this loud crash sound followed instantly by a low gurgling/growling sound. Now mind you, I was just rudely awoken so I have no idea what is going on. My dog is standing in the bedroom doorway and I can tell he is nervous as fuck. My girlfriend is freaking out. So now I am starting to freak out because I know it wasn’t a dream or anything.

So I jump out the bed using only my cell phone as a light source. Grab the shotty that is under the bed and pump a round into the chamber. I flip on the tactical light that is on the shotty and start clearing the apartment, one room at a time. I go through the entire place and find nothing. So i put the shotty down and start thinking more logically since my adrenaline is starting to wear off. I notice that my gym bag which was sitting on our stairs was on the floor. The crash sound was my gym bag falling off the stairs, with all the vitamin bottles and shit in it, it made a lot of noise. But, at the EXACT moment that happened, our coffee pot turned on and started making coffee which was the growling, gurgling noise. I started laughing so hard because I jumped out of bed ready to shoot someone.

But seriously, what are the chances of my gym bag falling off the stairs at 5AM which is the same time our coffee pot is sheduled to turn on?


Damn. Thats some crazy stuff. Woulda sucked for the mofo that could have broke into your place haha.

I was sitting on the computer once at like 3am working on a project. It was winter time and at that time we were having a lot of ice/snow. Well, one of the branches outside my window (big ass tree) finally gave out after years of abuse and snapped.

I almost shat myself. The branch was f’in huge. We had to cut it up with a chainsaw because we were unable to carry it to the field to burn.

99FRC, maybe you have ghosts.

When I was 15-16 I remember a story. Luckily not much has happened since I moved into my new house except for one incident I’ll explain in a bit.

(I was 16 and this was my parents house).I was sleeping and was awoken to a loud CRASH and what sounded like a car running. Aparently a drunk driver flew through my parents fence careened 20 feet into our front yard and slammed into the bottom level of our house. My heart nearly flew out of my chest as I ran out front with my dad and he was yelling to call 911 to my mom. Stupid jackoff kid was hammered and was trying to drive off as he’s spinning doing donuts in our front yard. EG Police was there in like 30 seconds, with fire trucks and shit. It’s true that Fire/PD truly does take care of their own. Never realized it till that night. Think my dad lit the kid up, not sure as his car was down the hill and the entire neighborhood was there.

(This was last December) Second was my neighbor knocking on my door at 11pm at night in my new house. He told me someone shot my GF’s windows out with a gun. So I grabbed my USP .40 and ran outside and looked around and then hopped in his car and we started driving around. (This was probably not a good idea). (I also didn’t even know him that well, he is a pretty cool guy and we have became good friends, one of those neighbors you want living next to you). Found Police down the road and these kids shout out 100s of windows in EG/Rensselaer. Not sure if they were ever caught.

I have a similar story to this as well.

Dude flies over the guardrail next to my house, down the hill, across my lawn, misses the house by 5ft, and proceeds to plow into the power line pole which then allows me to get a 26" monitor from the insurance company. He then proceeds to tell me he has to get out of there (with a destroyed silverado that I would have to get up the hill and over the guardrail :rofl). There were beer cans/bottles on the lawn. Some were obviously old, but I’m sure some of them were ‘fresh’.

Pics when I get home.

wow thats really wierd b/c my dog started growling last night at about 3 or 4 am, which woke me up. He cleared the house to make sure no one was there for sure . I feel bad for anyone that meets my dog at the wrong time, haha

Dog clearing the house for you = FTW

My moms house is like this. They have a Rottweiler and a German Sheppard and if you were to enter that house without my mom or stepdad and the dogs didn’t know you. You would be eaten. Literally.

One time, I broke into this dude’s house at like 4am, killed his dog so I could impersonate it, and pushed his gym bag down the stairs. The coffee pot turned on like right as I pushed the bag down the stairs too. Shit was so cash. The pussy hopped up out of bed and grabbed his riced out shotgun to make himself look cool in front of his girfriend. Now I’m living in this faggots house pretending to be his dog. I took all the shells out of his shotgun in hopes that if someone does break in the dude gets his ass kicked. Fuck that guy.

Back in august of 08 my wife and I were sitting on the couch watching tv and we were both basically dozing off (I was on some good meds cuz I had just broken my foot). All of a sudden we heard a loud crash and it shook the entire house. I looked outside the window and didnt see anything so I hobbled out the front door to find this…

A drunk driver had passed out and his foot went to the floor on the gas pedal. Went off the road about 100ft before our house and just happened to hit a small bush that kicked the back of the truck out just enough so he rammed a 40ft pine tree in front of our house rather than slamming into the house on the exact wall my wife and I were sitting against. Somehow he managed to uproot the tree, break it in the middle, and used it as a ramp. He flipped onto my wife’s jeep, hit another tree over 10ft off the ground on the opposite side of the driveway, then came to rest on the roof of the truck. Somehow he managed to walk away with quite a few broken bones, but still having his life. The last picture is after the got the truck righted and towed to the road. And want to know how much money we got from him??? $0!!! Our insurance covered the jeep and I believe went after him for it, but we were stuck paying about $2500 difference in what she owed and what it was worth. His insurance kept d***ing us around until finally we just took the offer of $200 to replace the grill he destroyed… of which we never received any of it. A lot of it was because he only had the absolute minimum property damage coverage, which it all fell under b/c nobody was in the Jeep. So between the $19k for the Jeep, and the state bill of over $10k for removing the tree from the road (we had to get the rest removed) and fixing the lines, he had no coverage left and even if we won in court, he didnt have anything in his name so we wouldnt have ever seen a penny anyways for quite a few years.

-ohh yeaaa, kenny got screwed on that deal

-GSD clearing house FTW! I knew the dog had it under control, which is wierd because he can be a real scarey german shepherd one second to someone he does not know, and then act like a baby with the fiance


Always better to be prepared with the right tools :slight_smile: I gots mine

would not grab ak

would grab 870 with 00 buck

I have a Rem 870 Wingmaster. Next purchase was thinking about a Saiga 12 :ninja

Agreed, AK is quite inaccurate.

IMO, a shotgun is one of the best defenses against home invasion.

Number one: ANYone who is in your house and hears you chamber a round in a shotgun should already be running for the door.

Number two: If the intruder did not complete number one and is refusing to leave and threatening your life, you just point and shoot. You can’t miss, and he will be going down for the count.

you just better hope that one shot does the trick. B/c if it doesnt and he lives he will probably press charges, sue your ass, and you will most likely lose. However if you shoot him twice, then it wont be considered self defense b/c you were excessive. So make that first shot count.

Many reasons why the shotgun is the best - you have to think about overpenetration as well. a 5.56 or 7.72 round isnt going to stop at a wall, it could take several walls and other things before it stops, you wouldnt want any of those things to be your wife, kid, animal, neighbors, etc.

This is why they tell you not to use bird shot :excited