A bump in the night

You people are on drugs. When I hear a loud crash that wakes me up I just go right back to sleep.

Sleep > *

Until that sleep becomes permanent…

Dj: I fully agree on the buck shot. Would never waste my time on bird shot.

Sabot slugs FTW


My parents house is haunted, legit. Prior family had a little child die, from neglect. We moved in and at some point my mother bought these little precious moments figurines, one for me, my brother, sister wasn’t born yet. She put them up on the shelf in the corner of the room. One day she asked us who the smart ass was that turned one of the figurines around and put it facing the corner? at the time we couldn’t reach them my brother was like 5 and I was about 9. My dad didnt know anything about it. She turned it back around. the next day it was turned around again… face in the corner. it happened for a few days and my mother thought it was us doing it. she slept on the couch thinking that she would catch us in the act. next day again it was turned around facing the corner. She moved them to a higher shelf this time. that night the same figurine was found tipped over, face down on the shelf! That was it she took them down and never put them back up.

My brother woke up one night and his dresser drawer was open and a tshirt was floating in front of him. he hit the light next to the bed and it fell to the floor. To this day he still turn pale telling that story.

I was in the basement watching tv one day. and I felt 2 distinct pokes on my shoulder like someone behind me wanted my attention, I turned around and felt cold air on my neck and nothing was there. I just about shit myself.

Last summer there had been kids breaking into eveyones car on our street, it happened like 3 times over like 4 months where people had been robbed. So one Friday night I’m leaving my house to bring my girlfriend home and it’s about 1am. I open the door of my house and soon as I step outside I hear footsteps running and then I see a bush by my driveway move. So I’m thinking HA I got you fuckers this time. So my adrenaline is pumping, I pop the trunk to my car and grab my 1/2in torque wrench and run toward the bushes. I get right by the bush then all of a sudden 2 deer jump out and start running scaring the shit outta me and I ran back to my house like a little girl. The car theives were never caught…

+1 ROFL you take the cake!

My dad had a couple younger guys ring his door bell early one morning I think a couple years ago. They were completely naked. LOL. I guess they ran when he chased them. I think the police eventually caught one or two of them.

I can’t recall any good stories for my self at the moment, but I’m sure there are a few.

Unless it was me…Rambo might just run up to me and expect to be petted lol

870 w/ 3" sabots under my bed :lol

Buncha fags with your shot guns. I throw pipe bombs at em.

i dont live in 50 cents crib, so my kitchen and bedroom are not a 1/4 mile away… therefore i think an AK has more than enough accuracy to hit someone somewhere on their body especially after enough practice shooting shit at distance

I’m going to deck out my house like the damn batcave with traps. Invite some of you poor bastards over just to set them off on ya :ninja

OT though, certain noises at night will wake me and I’ll go searching around just the same checking shit out with weapon in hand. Most of the time though I sleep like a fucking brick.

would never wanna be on rambo’s bad side…:ohnoes