Trench Coat Mafia on the re-up

That’s pretty f’d up. What the hell is wrong with these kids?

Burn in hell fucker.

<–Waits for a politician to propose a ban on trench coats as a way to deal with the problem.

Where the fuck were his parents?

In SLC, too. Deep Mormon territory. I’m guessing oppressed child…

seriously… 2 females under 30, one male, and a freaking 15 year old girl… i want people like this to get their knee caps blown out and then give them to the girls parents…

what is the world coming to?

where do you look for justice when your daughter is dead and the person who shot her had no known motive, and his life has been taken also?

Troubled kids lead troubled lives…what the hell are these kids even thinking…so sad.

lol so true

Somebody watched too much Terminator 2 the night before…

More concealed carries, would have stopped this a lot quicker…when will we learn?

I LIVE for Terminator 2. Best movie EVAR

so many possibilities why this kid could have done this… media will jump to he was bullied and neglected.

That’s awful! Fucking scumbag. I wish he could rot in prison for the rest of his life and get assfucked all the time and suffer. But ahh, he’s dead too. The easy way out. Fucker.

This makes me really sad. :frowning:

In NYC where you can’t have a gun, it sucks.

That “no gun” laws only fucks us law abiding citizens up.