Tripple Black COPO Painted

I do agree… its just that many of these people also have other older cars they can drive whenever they want. Like my dad has 2 other 69 Camaros, an SS and Z28 that are not COPO/Yenko cars… he drives them, leaves his COPO sit in the trailer. Most people on the road cannot tell the difference anyway. The COPO/Yenko cars have just been piling on the value in the past 3-4 years… its almost not worth driving them, unless you have so much money that you could care less what happens to the car.

I love 69 Camaros, don’t get me wrong… but if it was up to me, I would be selling the COPO and picking up a nice Ferrari or Lamborghini. I tell my dad that all the time, his reply “What do I need that shit for?”. Then throw a 572 in a regular 69 and have fun with that.