Double post!

What is there was no pressure from above… Would cops be super lazy and issue tickets at all? That too would be bad! Which is worse?

I thought these stupid ass posts were done with.

it was rhetorical, but there’s always both sides to a coin… in a perfect world ect. ppl are acting afool on wed nights: fact, but road blocking and entrapping folks already @ the event is shaddy. same reason cops can’t sit across the street from a bar and pull everyone over. but devil’s advocate to that, you cannot legally drink and drive, so why not pull everyone over who leaves a bar? they should be policing the roads around the area instead of ticketing every kid on a sport bike with led lights, meanial equipment tickets. at least give every toolbag with their lic plate hidden and expired stickers a sporting chance. it’s the american way

For as long as there is message boards… there will be stupid posts…

^^ lol I like this guy. Spam that is

two wrongs do not make it right, before pointing the finger, it’s best to check yourself.

Troopers have been out in force latley, everywhere, and its getting ridiclious.

Here out in warsaw they have been pulling people over left and right the past 2 weeks and trust me not much goes on out here…

Yesterday, I passed 5 troopers on the 90 from west seneca to silver creek…so basically I got to pay $1.20 to go thru speed traps for about 30 minutes.

WTF is going on other than someone is saying bring us more money?

I’m semi-glad this riding season is almost over, I’ve had enough bullshit to last me till next year.

N.Y. VAT. LAW § 381 : NY Code - Section 381: Motorcycle equipment

  1. (a) Every motorcycle, driven upon the public highways of this state, shall be provided with adequate brakes in good working order and sufficient to control such motorcycle at all times, when the same is in use, a suitable and adequate bell, horn or other device for signaling, one red to amber stop lamp and shall, whenever such motorcycle is being operated upon the public highways of the state, display one lighted lamp in front and one on the rear, or, when such motorcycle is operated with a passenger or other truck attached to the side or front two such lamps on the front and one on the rear; and in all cases the lamps on a motorcycle shall include a red light visible from the rear. The rays of such rear lamp shall shine upon the number plate carried on the rear of such motorcycle in such manner as to render the numerals thereon visible for at least fifty feet in the direction from which the motorcycle is proceeding.

read the last phrase

^^ thankyou will get mine fixed, to satisfy above statement

Just sent an IM to shredd and ragan about this BS. Not that they don’t already know.

yea im guna make sure mine is lit up and u can c it from 50 fet and thats it