so u bitch about cars with no front plate but yet ur plate is illegally mounted…hmmm seems like a normal crotch rocket biker to me

yup sounds about right…glad i have my long doors because the one time i drove with it open so no ass hats could cut me off

i wish i saw this thread before i went tonight :slight_smile: i got an inspection ticket

so many DB’s at this event that, I wouldnt be surprised if the police have a checkpoint from here on out.

Me Tim and Zong rode by no problem, we obviously don’t have stock bikes either so I was like mehh okay.

It’s the same crowd of d-bag sportbike riders, ricers and jailbait. No surprise they had the checkpoint, although my response wouldve been different had I been given a ticket lol

just saying they were targeting a specific crowd that is all, if your gonna have a road block why not give tickets to everyone who deserves them not just a specific group. like the imports with sticker across all there windows or all the cars with no front plates(i have no front plate on my car either) just saying that i was annoyed that they ignored some and concentrated on others. only my plate is illegal, am i bitching about it, not really just trying to find out how much it will be. thanks for your input.

pic of my plate, i dont think its terrible. but whatever, ill try and fix it and get out of it…

edit: i know its crooked…

plates mounted up in the fender without lighting is just ASKING for a ticket… that’s a no brainer.

Ask and you shall receive =)

Cops setting up roadblocks is why I haven’t even considered going out to cruise night at all. It’s ridiculous that they have notihng better to do. Gl with your ticket man.

town budgets coming up short is pressuing governing bodies to seek revenue, and the quick “tax” that they can levy is law enforcement quotas. most of the lower judicial systems produce great ammounts of taxation without representation, your word against a slip of paper or an officer on overtime. right, wrong or indifferent they’re just strugling to pay their bills just like we all are.

Try mounting the plate legally and correctly and the cops will leave you alone. Oh and dont drive like a asshat doesent hurt.

Lol your car is completely legit, you have no excuse

oh i kno its just the hassle of it lol pain in the ass to have to sit and wait

Well I bought the bike with the plate mounted like this. Figured I wou
ld leave it until I got hassled now I did so I’m gonna move it. And I don’t drive like an ass too often

hey if any body got a plate ticket just google new york law section 381 and read the part about the plate

Something to ponder. What if we had no police to be pains in our collective asses?

what if police could do their job without being pressured from above to bring in more money?

didnt this same thing happen last year and everyone said it was entrapment? i believe the courts laughed at that and kept setting up the “check points”

Not answering the question but I see your point.