Tucker Max tells funny stories...


I make it a habit to read one every night before bed so I can laugh myself to sleep.


Here’s an example: Tucker tries buttsex; hilarity does not ensue


Holy christ that was funny…:rofl:

That is the best story he ever wrote.

God damnit every one of these is pure gold

the buttsex one is unreal. it was posted on UBRF a long time ago. possibly by zwarbyt.

um, welcome to 4 years ago…

i’ve already read all the free ones, and have no intention of paying to read the ones you can’t see for free on the site.

but, the blow job follies are classic…

My gf bought his book, thats how I stumbled upon the website lol

I have his, and Maddox’s books. they rock.

the story where he fights the mascot was my personal favorite. sushi pants rounds off the top 3 with buttsecks.

his reading list is pretty awesome, took that to BN last night :tup:


I was just given his book to read… amazing…

i still havent read the book. I have to snag it from someone

Im supposed to be working, but im just reading some of these…

I think, why the hell didnt I write a book of stories…

seriously, step one, break up with g/f, step 2 become a bigger asshole, step 3… drink a ton of alcohol and become an even bigger asshole, step 4 record night events on tape recorder, 5. write a book on it and be certain to make sure you’re witty about it…

6… profit.

i think i got halfway through the book. still need to finish it

I have had his next one pre-ordered for 2 years now, and it just got bumped back to October 2010 :frowning: I havent seen the movie yet either!

Reading the book now. Its funny as hell.

I read the book, reminded me of some good times I’ve had in the past. His friends were a lot like mine. Haha


You mean his fake stories?

Real or fake its good comedy.

movie was a let down…kinda funny though.