August - Tuner Jam Car Show in conjunction with Limestone City Soundoff 2

After Market Productions Presents

Tuner Jam/Limestone City Soundoff 2

Show info:

Date: August 20/2006

Venue: Kingston Family Fun World Park

1533 McAdoo’s Lane Kingston, ON. Canada

Registration: 10am
Event Starts: Noon

Registration Fee at the gate:
Sound Quality will be $80.00
IdbL (SPL) will be $60.00
Everblast Bass Boxing will be $40.00
IASCA Tuner Jam will be $40.00
$10.00 discount on entry for pre-registration as well as combo deals, you can find more details at http://www.aftermarketproductions.ca .
Payments accepted are paypal, cheque or money order.

Classes are:

Rookie 1 - (1- 160 square inches)
Rookie 2 - (161 - 260 square inches)
Rookie 3 - (261 + square inches)
Stock 1 - (1- 160 square inches)
Stock 2 - (161 - 260 square inches)
Stock 3 - (261 + square inches)
Stock Pro 1 (1- 260 square inches)
Stock Pro 2 (261 +square inches)
Advanced 1 (1 - 360 square inches)
Advanced 2 ( 361 - 720 square inches)
Advanced 3 (721 + square inches)
Ultimate 1 (1 - 360 square inches)
Ultimate 2 (361 - 720 square inches)
Ultimate 3 (721 + square inches)

Sound Quality:
Amateur Street Class
Semi-Pro Street Class
Pro Street Class
Ultimate Amateur Class
Ultimate Pro Class
Ultimate Expert Class

Tuner Jam:
Rookie American Car
Rookie Asian Car
Rookie European Car
Street American Car
Street Asian Car
Street European Car
Ultimate American Car
Ultimate Asian Car
Ultimate European Car
SUV / Van
2-3 Wheeler (bikes&trikes)
Best of Show
Best Paint
Club Participation Award

Kingston Residents Only Awards:
Kingston’s Loudest
Kingston’s Best Sound
Kingston’s Finest

No Charge for grounds admission (spectators)

Features and Attractions

3x Point IDBL (SPL)
3x Point Sound Quality
3x Tuner Jam (Car Show)
Everblast Bass Boxing

KingstonStrong Man Competition (Bus pulling competition on grounds)
3 screenDrive In
Mini Putt
Go Carts
XM Lounge
Philthy McNasty After Party

Contact Info:
For more Information please Contact Jeff Boudreau at (613) 531-0682
or you can email at jeffb@aftermarketproductions.ca

Hey Guys im helpin out with this show… It would be great to see some of the 240 guys in my City for once lol…

Hope a couple people can make it.

Just to let everyone know, prergistration is still open and there is a very nice discount when you preregister… as well the first 50 people that do register get a goody bag. Spaces are filling up quickly so dont forget!!!

Thanks in advance,


114 Trophies up for grabs

1st Place and specialty trophies are 4ft triple pillars, 2nd place are 3ft and 3rd place are 2ft.

Tuner Jam is only $30.00 when you preregister.

Visit www.aftermarketproductions.ca for details or pm me if you have any further questions.