Tuning stock ka24de

Well, i am wondering where i could get it done. I think my timing is off here n there, I believe the car is running a bit rich cause the fuel is going down pretty fast these days lol… and it’s not just me being excited driving it again. Could be also that my tires are not filled high pressure and are a little low, but none the less, i’ve felt this before too. I’ve never had the car tuned since I got it, even though I got new spark plugs and all the other miscellaneous maintenance essentials.

What are some good places to go to, I’m in oakville. Somewhere, where I won’t be ripped off either for instnace. The gay tire asked 80 bux and there’s no way I’m going there, price aside, they make you wait for so frickin long and rip you off on waiting time. When I needed a tire changed they took one and a half fucken hours, and that very day I was signing my marriage papers (i found a flat tire while at city hall). Wonderful day indeed lol…

So anyways… where/who/how much.