Turbo S2K in area...???

so apparently theres a red turbo’d s2k in the buffalo area? first ive heard of it…and the reason im asking is because i work with this ass hat who claims he raced one…yet hes a pathological liar so who knows…anyone care to chime in…is he telling the truth or pulling shit out of his ass…

Seen a black one at advanced but no red…

did he say he lost? aha

no apparently he “raced” from the light on transit and walden to just under that rail road bridge or w/e it is (said it was 1/4 mile but like i said he lies like a rug) and pulled 4 cars on him, mind you its downhill…he has a stealth rt with “work” done to it apparently but i cant believe anything the kid says because everytime he opens his mouth its just lie after lie and just hearing his voice makes me want to punch myself in the ball bag…the reason im asking on here is because he said the guy has an “NYSPEED” sticker on his back window and i knew he was probably full of shit because its a damn convertable…but who knows…

i swear its not my new car


There may be one next summer if howie ever decides to take some fucking pictures to sell his car

haha stealth rt pulling a turbo s2k lmfao

ya because that wouldn’t be possible :picard:

anything can be fast with enough money into it…

its an RT… what a waste if he did pull a turbo stook


Was there by any chance a windshield banner that read “CROC POWERED”?

i owned a 3s platform car, i guarantee whoever owns this stealth rt doesnt have enough money to make it pull an s2k turbo, they are a fuckin fortune to build.

yeaaah welcome to my world…i hafta listen to this bag of shit everyday at work about how he pulls on this car and that car and blah blah blah…i kept it going with him to see what else he would make up and see how big of an asshole he’d look like…well he never dissapoints so he just kept it going…and i told him oh yea well thats cool but you do know if you roll raced it he woulda raped you like a 12 year old asian prostitute…and his response was “naw dude im good at roll races…”:picard: as i then said “you do realize dig races require more real skill to launch and roll races is strictly power to weight ratio, right?” followed by “nah not really, any idiot can launch a car, it takes more skill to shift when your goin’ fast” if anyone wants a good laugh sometime stop into towne mazda and ask for the douche with the stealth, believe me everyone knows him and despises him…