Turbo timer install.. Greddy on a turbo d16y8

d series honda… greddy turbo timer… has an option for speedometer in the actual timer… where do i tap the speedo wire from the timer into the car? i can only find a color coded wire for the tach… any ideas… thanks?

not very hard at all…but if you want someone else to do it swing by innovative we can take care of it for you

thanks… i dont have a harness does that matter…

talk to bdr

You will have to hard wire it if you don’t have a harness. The harness is cheap and makes life 10 times easier.

edited… where do i plug the speedo wire into? help me lol

http://www.turbod16.com/viewtopic.php?t=23294&highlight=greddy i can’t view it because i’m not a registered member, but judging by the title this should be exactly what you need. the speedo wire is going to be at the ecu

edit thats for OBDI , if you have OBDII the only difference from everything is the speedo wire, which will be a blue with white wire instead

will, dont do it by yourself. pay the couple bucks and have innovative do it.

how much will innovative charge for this?

kinda depends on where the unit is gonna be mounted… is it just gonna be double sided taped under the dash, or is it going to be flush mounted somwhere etc…wiring is easy to get to on a civic so that’ll be pretty straight forward.

i already installed the turbo timer… works like a charm ;)… i just need to do the speedo wire and parking brake line… we’lll see when i get motivated lol thanks

np, that link i posted should put you on your way :tup:

why is this off topic?

the link u posted doesnt hot link… do u have a title to the page? it wont load anything but d16 home

i got it thru a google search… if you do a search for a thread titled “greddy turbo timer install” on that board, it’ll come up. it has like 14 replies in it. it wouldn’t let me view it tho without a password

<3 thank you
