what is the easiest way to hook up a turbo timer on a 180sx from japan? Help

Hey gang,

I am a new owner of a 180sx from japan, I’m trying to do some research to install a greddy turbo timer on to my car. What is the easiest way to approach this?



did your unit not come with instructions?

once again try google. Im sure someone somewhere must know…

but as DJPyro said the harness is by far the most convienient, and also the


All you really need is a fillips head screwdriver, and two connectors for the wiring. You got the following wires to hook up: e-brake wire, hooks directly to the ebrake, speed sensor wire that connects to the ecu. The ground wire, and plug and play wires from the turbo timer and from the harness is located under the steering column.