new vids?
there is 1 useable vid. 1st run some assclown forgot to turn his bottle on. 2nd run that same assclown decided he didn’t want to hit 3rd gear. 3rd run JD proceeds to spank me like i stole a cookie from the cookie jar.
vids are overated.
great runs JD. Track next week?
holy shit
bmw vs bmw ?
0:17 - 2:51 are the best
So this went 10.5 last year, right? Does it indeed have more in it now, and if so, what do you expect?
pretty sure when it went 10.5 it was a smaller turbo and less boost. I know he plans on going to the dyno again since this clutch isn’t slipping anymore. I expect to see a 9 out of it.
One of my buddy’s from Ohio, named Dom, went 10’s in his e30 a few years ago, and it was a big deal. It’s cool to see these cars that are meant for comfortable cruising to be touching 9’s, and still be comfy and look snky as hell. Love it.
i went 10.6 @ 136mph over 2 yrs ago with 550whp. I have yet to make it back to the track. I am now making many more whp’s so as long as nothing breaks and i have enough tire im hoping for 9’s…
buuuut, this is all speculation until it actually happens.