TurboTavis = David Thorne

Did David Thorne steal TurboTavis’ Shift518 sign on?

For those of you who are internet retarded and dont get the joke: Overdue Account


Hi Jgreddy84,

I understand where you’re coming from. My ‘first 90 accord ever’ had a host of similar problems, and also moved at a similar pace similar to a 3 legged mammal. Fortunately, forum user ‘sxycrip1’ is aware of ‘wuz good’ and was able to take my first 90 accord ever back to the high standards of reliability and performance that Honda set for it. You can contact the aforementioned user using this link-


With warm regards,



Hello Ice,

When you ask ‘wuz good’ on a public internet forum such as ‘Shift518’, you should expect a variety of responses, all depending on the user in question. I’ll list some popular user’s and give you an example of something that’s typically ‘good’ for them-

BennyFizzle-bong rips
AutoOutcast-stealing your wheels
94GT5.0-debating in which century his Mustang will run again
TurboTravis-what ridiculous drinking feat he’s gonna post about next
PJB-Jerking off to ducks outside his window
Kramerbuccs24-Seeing how many pages he can get his build thread to, without making any actual progress (currently about 47)
Mk430r-Eagerly awaiting the chance to make YOU never want to visit this site again

Ice, these are just a few various examples of ‘wuz good’ on a daily basis around here. Feel free to browse our wonderful forum and please let us know if we can make you stay more enjoyable.

With warm regards,



Hi user “Murrdog9000”,

I’m glad you’ve become such a fan of my internet posts as of late. I will be offering autographs at “The Best Forth In the North” in the beautiful hamlet of Ticonderoga, NY this weekend. Price will be determined on a fan by fan basis, but for you, a Miller Lite will suffice.




Hi Wayne,

You’ve owned yourself.

With warm regards,


yo yo yo wuz good? im captian crooked dick/david thorne im new to shift 518. want to know anything holla

this thread is gayer than purple aeds!

KrazyKid = RESULTS.

No thanks are necessary.

I found it amusing, I was wondering wtf is going on with TurboTravis anyway, this explanation fits :rofl