
Who linked a the thread from here to the need for speed forum ? Yes the Florida website that h.t is on .

Obviously an H.T. fanboi…there arent too many of them on the site so it should be easy to narrow down!

I have no idea. I was thinking the same thing.

The links that “inflatable sheep” posted did not paint a pretty picture of H.T.

It really doesn’t matter what kind of evidence you post on that forum most of those guys will support HT until they get screwed by him and it will happen.

Who actually gives a shit?


No fucks given here. I am just eating popcorn and watching.

The internets a bitch isnt it. To a point I feel bad for the guy… having trolls make it a point to ruin the guy, and what ever employees beside him could also suffer… but to fucking bad… you piss your bed sheets, you gotta sleep in them.

People make mistakes, and good people understand that. But denying things ever happened, when you know damn well they did is a pussy move. Fuck if I forgot to tighten 4 bolts and it rattled loose and fell off… i would just say it. yeah… long nights in the shop make you miss things… good thing it wasnt his lug nuts! or something like that… recognize the mistakes and LEARN from them… like a man. that = respect. Same can be said for the other hand full of altercations with that douchebag and members of the local car community in public.

I know 2 personal friends of mine that did business with him, and hated everything about the process. Felt unwelcomes walking in, decided… mehh ill try them out anyways… one car came back scratched on the front fender and got “no you dont know your own car, it was there when you brought it in”… low and behold that customer has owned a body shop in amsterdam for 30+ years! LOL I think he would know his paint on his own car… then the car ran like crap the moment it left and he didnt pay for it until it got re-tuned… paid… a week later, 200 miles, it threw a code for cat inefficiency and apparently the cats were pluged. Nothing but a “sorry to hear that, we can put cats on it for you if you want”…

One example I found out about last fall talking to the owners son (i grew up with and known the family for ever). And like I said, people not on shift, come in to my shop and tell me their stories (most second hand, some first hand) of the bull shit he caused… to the rate that I am like “LOL, after all the shit on shift about this guy, there is so much more Shift doesnt even know about”.

Fuck him, there is no need to instigate online battles with him & us (shift)… the black cloud will just follow him and he will burn his own bridges… and we can sit back and laugh.

No, John it wasnt me. Weekends are 8:00am till 1-2am Sat and Sunday at my shop working. I would rather build cars, than poke someone over a keyboard.

^ Cliff notes…: fuck him

I wish i posted… As for the rest of shit ip addresses are coming out so no biggie

Its pretty funny krazykid writes a fuckin book everytime howards name comes up… I think he secretely wants to blow howard especially after his last rant on another website he made a name up to go bashing… Seems to me someone likes to stalk howard… Id say jealous cause he is a dirt barn mechanic/ fabricator…

Krazy just remember people rat u out just as quick as u try to pull shit…

Here is the thing, I have a real problem with the failures of society like yourself that seem to sit atop their high horses and attempt to shit on everyone below. No fuckign problem saying this… I put YOU, howard, Tony, and any other self proclaimed know it all bad ass zero self control, zero respect for carrying a decent image in public ass holes in the same fucking group. Call that stalking, call that trolling, call it what ever you want… you all do a damn good job at looking like dicks all on your own. All I apparently do in your eyes is stoke the fire.

Jealousy has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. As a matter of fact, thats is the same argument that you and tony when he was on here had when people dont swing off your balls and play the game along side you. This my friend is psychology 101… clinging to the jealously claim is a cry for insecurity in your own head, and the need to feel above and better than others to cope with it… People with less valuable possessions like myself, John, Yetti, and our other intermingled friends focus our lives on having a good image in society from acting respectably in front of people, and treating people with respect. We take pride on the few things we have $ wise to our name and dont flaunt it around then call people jealous that dont praise you. I have no problem saying it, my trucks a pile of shit, my daily jetta is smashed in by 2 asshole who hit and ran it, my camaro is in the weeds with a motor in pieces all over the place, bikes in rubermaid bins… what else do you want to know about my possessions that you want to know about to make your jealously claim???

Bottome line, as you can see from this book… its been dwelling in my head for a long time. I followed you online years ago and thought you were a douchebag. met you for the first time at ASS when yettis car was on the dyno and had tuning issues and you rode in and left like a look at me squid. You didnt even know me, didnt introduce yourself, talked down to me telling me I dont know what I was talking about (playing around with yettis vr on the dyno) and just put a shit taste in my mouth… matching my opinions of you from being online.

“Id say jealous cause he is a dirt barn mechanic/ fabricator…” & “Krazy just remember people rat u out just as quick as u try to pull shit…” is the icing on the cake BRO. No more fucks given from me towards you and your crew.

Go fuck yourself. :number1

Rowdy, KK is rowdy ITT.

If he can make asshole comments about me and my business like that… I wont bother watching what i say towards him anymore. Its call show respect and get respect. Dont show me any, dont expect any in return.

I’m just glad to see that the cancer known as Howard Tanner/Redline Motorsports is heading south.

Serious question (I am not on anyones side here) but why the fuck do people still argue about this shit, its the same posts EVERY thread. Lets move the fuck on people!

Because u got a certain few people who wanna blow howard sobthey follow him to every site he goes too

Yeah crazy im a squid lol… Theres not a person on this site with the riding talent i have… Cocky nope just know the truth… Its funny u say i talked down to u at ass lol good one… Maybe ur just alittle pussy that cant take what people say to them n get all butt hurt…

Instead of letting a guy live his life they just follow n troll… Its funny the trollers hide behind the computer with fake names lol… Bunch of fags

$5 says it was Nick Alero.


I started this thread cause I didn’t wanna be involved with the Howard b.s , I agree and said to many he is gone let him be . In fact gregg u know at the low show I talked to Howard a few times and that’s pretty much when I stopped bashing him . I am just a little upset that my posts were the ones quoted on that site and someone attempted to link the s.r section to another site when u know I don’t want outsiders seeing inside . Other than that u guys are on your own as far as who linked the sights as the miss on that site have I.p addresses etc so I’m sure Howard is gonna know who did it .

Even if he does find out nothings going to happen. The people on that site dont seem to care for him for the most part already. Same old shit, im sure itll all blow over.