the only reason i put this in GENERAL was because i figured everyone would see it…

so turn ur clock back 1 hr now.

so just uncase anyone forgot or has a ghetto comp (that doesnt turn ur clock back for u) then consider this the reminder…

your welcome in advance lol. :smiley:

i love gaining an extra hour!

that tripped me out last night…i didnt even think about it…i look at the time and
its like 12 sumthing…about n hour later i loook at the time again…and its 12…i
was like ummmm weird? lol i just lived 12 twice in 1 day! hahaha :E

I was at the bar this morning to clean up and stock up an hour early…jesus could have I used this warning two hours sooner!!!

srry i just woke up and remembered so i figured id pass the word incase anyone forgot.