Turtle, tank and filter.

I have a ~20 gallon turtle specific tank (half glass on one side), and a turtle I would like to rehome. I personally have had this for quite a few years after someone was going to release it. It’s very personable, and pretty lively so if you want to get it for your kids it’ll be somewhat entertaining to feed and care for. Maintenance is minimal, next to no effort. Clean the filter monthly (10-15 minutes) keep the water up, and feed twice a day but can go for a weekend without any issues.

All I ask is you give it a good home, and not interested in trade for a rabbit. Tank, filter and whatnot are included. Not asking for anything, but I wouldn’t say no to a Blue Sugar Free Monster if you’re inclined.


What type of turtle? How big? How old? If you know. I have wanted one for my kids for a while.

Painted turtle, 5-6" long shell, unknown age.

If everything is included to be setup right away, I will up your asking price of 1 sugar free monster, to 2 sugar free monsters lol We can move onto PM’s for further details. But I would love to take this off your hands.

We’ll talk tomorrow.

Sounds good.

I like turtles

Interested in trading for 2 rabbits?

Trade for american flag beads?

nicely done