TV tuner card? Which should I get?

I want to put a TV tuner card in my desktop but I dont know which one to get. Which one have you guys used or heard good things about? Is it as easy and just adding this card to your board and loading the drivers?


and yes its extremely easy

What he said…

deffinitely hauppage.

some of the cheapo ones will look terrible…

hauppauge :tup: Their pretty much the industry leader in that kind of stuff IMO

go high def though

I was looking on newegg and found a couple:

Which do you recommend?

I may have a happauge WINTV GO card layin around somewhere here if ya want it for like 10 bucks.

its got Coax IN, Video and Audio RCA in Gave my other one to RedconquestTsi, works great to record vids

Heres all the info you need on whatever you’re doing…

ive had a few problems with happauge cards. the one i had didnt work well with my built in audio card on my mother board. i had to take it back for an ati which works much better. id say lookin for waht one works good with ur sound card since htey need to interact so much.

what alternatives are thre for a laptop?

they do make external USB tuners… I have NO experience with them what so ever, so I really couldn’t tell you how well they work

damn… lol… i’ve seen em, i just wonder how they work… can u make ur computer a tivo basically? how hard is it to set it up so it records automatically

i know with mythtv (linux based) you could record and what not and encode the raw feed. you can pretty much do anything with them. mythtv took a little bit of linux knowledge of course there is a great faq about it. The wintv shit i have no clue i’ve never used it…

pretty much. WinTV scheduler works ok, but its not as good as other programs out there. Honestly, media center is great because it’s setup just like a DVR box pretty much… you can record/pause/rewind. You can also set it up to recored all of a certin show (new ones/reruns or all) plus having a guide is key.

Beyond TV is also a great program if you want to use software with a guide. It also has the same recording features.

as far as the ATi cards go… I’ve heard their pretty decent, but I’ve seen people have problems with the software. If ya do decide to get one, make sure it’s compatible with whatever software you plan on using (one of the reasons hauppauge is great is that pretty much any TV software you can think of is compatible with them).

also, if you get a hauppauge card, ignore the people having problems with the remotes… you just need the latest drivers from their website and you’ll be good to go.

I’d go for the one that also has the FM tuner personally :tup: I’d also go with a remote. I’ve been using the PVR-150 from them for a year or two now and NO complaints :tup: especially once you update the software and configure it. Looks pretty good considering that it’s a de-interlaced, low resolution image

an HD tuner is my next buy I think