TW DVR Question

We have 3 digital cable boxes at our house. Today, one was traded in on a DVR. New box is plugged in, works fine. Now one of the old boxes doesnt work.

Is it possible TW de-activated the wrong box? Do they de-activate boxes?

For various reasons, I can’t call them and scream like I usually do…


did a tech come out or did u take it in. if a tech came out it is possible that he didnt confirm the letters and deactivated it. the box not working pull off the id numb it should sab____ then call time warner and give that one to them should hit the box in a min or 2

Maybe you just had too much to drink a the bar tonight? lol Im sure it it most defineatly possible for them to have deactivated the wrong one. This happened to me with directv when i was doing the same thing with my newly aquired dvr.

No, we traded it in person

Like I said, I cant call them. We have to go in person.

Its fucking stupid, I know. I would like to disguise a bomb as a kitten and let it go at the TW office…

pm ryanmcell he can probably send a hit to the box

I’m at work… til 11.

So yes I could look it up. After that I am gooooone.

What do you need from me?



its pathetic being addicted to TV, but I dont actually watch it, its a means of going to sleep…

Get Satellite.

i dont think carl really cares


Should be working now.

lemme guess, balancing issue…

Missing dig box rate on outlet 3.