Somebody help me with my damn cablebox

Digital cable stopped working, went and got a new box… still not working. Rebooted multiple times, still doesnt work. Yet I still have interent access off the same line.

How the hell does that work?

So basically the signal is coming through from TWC and its working for my wireless modem but not for my cable box, I only have channels 3-24 and in terrible quality. I went and bought new coax cables and swapped them all but it still doesnt work, swapped the modem with the cable box and the modem works fine on the new lines but the cable box wont give me my digital channels. TWC said everything looks fine on their end though. I cant figure this out at all, it seems like something is fucked up on TWC’s end since the modem will work fine and the cable box is brand new yet the cable box doesnt pick up the TWC signal. Any suggestions?

Tell those mofos to come out and make it work. You pay your cable bill on time damnit

if its running through a vcr or something like that it could be screwing it up…make sure its directly cable to box to tv…my friend had that problem becuase he was running it through his dvd vcr thing. some of them screw up the signal. I directly connected it to the box and thento the tv and it was fine. dunno if thats your problem though

Okay this is completely out of my ass, but do a channel search with the cable box. Alot of the digital channels just changed numbers through TWC. I had no channels the other day, did that and they came back, but different numbers. If that is not the problem, they need to reset it. They have a card that goes into the box, or USB conn, depends on the box. They may tell you to bring it in, or they will charge you an extra fee for someone to come to you.

They run on a different frequency range. My digital cable is spotty too, many channels that I pay for work only 50% of the time. I ordered a couple movies and they stop unexpectedly. I spoke to TWC and they said it is happening all over the capital region and they are “working on the problem”.

Call TWC techs and ask them to send a “hit” to your box, or to have someone come out and look at it. And as far as I know service calls are still free.

Theyre coming Tuesday morning, said they doublechecked everything on their end and its fine.

You rent the cable box from them, thus it is an issue with their hardware and their problem, not yours.
My remotes constantly stop working, and I’ve had to replace two or three. I just bring the remote into the TWC building and exchange them. Thank God I have a Logitech universal remote for the big TV.

TWC just came out with a new black remote that is supose to be alot better than the previous ones. I know the Rotterdam location has one, and I believe albany is getting them in soon.

I would just wait for them to come out. I work there and wouldnt even bother trying to fix it my self

TWC has been complete shit lately since the upgrade. Like said before, the are working on fixing the problems they have…many at that. I am almost ready to try Fios or a damn dish.

Be ready to pay out the ass, and they have just as many problems as we do!

Well now that I’ve moved into my own place, I decided to go back to TWC… Honestly wish I just said fuck it and signed the 2 year lease with DirecTV which we got at my parents place last year. Signing a 2 year contract was the only thing keeping me from doing it, not that it matters I can take it wherever I go.

Honestly I like what you get from DirecTV price wise vs what you get with TWC. Also HD on DirecTV looks 10x better than TWC, TWC compresses the shit out of their HD, which well they kind of have to for bandwidth reasons. Either way ruins big action sequences hardcore.

And before anyone starts in with the same BS TWC says about dropped signals etc… Honestly in the year we’ve had it, weve lost signal maybe 3 times, all during bad storms and dident drop for more than a minute.

Plus DirecTV has sprout, which TWC does not, and my daughter loves sprout.

May get DirecTV here soon.

Da fuck is sprout?

PBS Sprout, Kids channel… When she gets cranky, put that shit on and shes a zombie :rofl

Needless to say for the past few days, shes been very cranky as shes used to getting up, and watching Caliou or something while I make her breakfast

My daughter is five, and loves this horrible show. I cancelled the actual cable, I only pay for RR. Still I have the tv hooked to the cable, and I get 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, and 15. Some of them in HD.

Do you guys with TWC ever get the internet dropped? Just once in a rare while, it will go down for a solid 10 seconds and come back. That is the most annoying thing when you are in the middle of a gun game, and rocking, only to have it come back, and youre already dead.

Im always losing the internet connection.
Its gotten better since TW has been here atleast 4 times trying to fix it but it still happens occasionally.

And its magically working again, out of nowhere…

Have a tech come over anyways, might be to much noise on the line causing it to drop in and out.