just got a letter stating that my road runner rates are going from 41.99 per month to 45.99 starting in novemember… :nono:
IS the fastest DSL offers 1.5 MB/S ?
just got a letter stating that my road runner rates are going from 41.99 per month to 45.99 starting in novemember… :nono:
IS the fastest DSL offers 1.5 MB/S ?
good thing you got ch 4 back
annnd this is why i am glad im on the fios pre-install list for kenmore
I thought there is 3mb or even 7mb?
i checked online, and it only gave me the option of up to 1.5… maybe thats because of my location, ie im too far away from the office?
yes, depends on location
fios not possible for you?
if it was, i would never have had TW to begin with… i hate them
UGH hurry the F up verizon and dig lines across wherle to get fios into our neighborhood!
WHAT? :bloated:
ehh…my rates will be fine. Price locked for 3 yrs.
I should just get a really strong wireless router and get someone to hook it up at the corner of Wherle and Vernon
Actually I am pretty sure it is 46.99 which means 49.99 with modem lease and I was quite pissed as well. Which prompted me to go check verizon out for 7mb DSL service and it only lists 5mb whichout a phone line is 50 bucks too.
As much as TW just pissed me off DSL is not worth it in comparison to Roadrunner. Oh how I yearn for FIOS!
I got the letter too, going up from 51 to 56 which is basically a 10% increase. Thats quite a hefty increase percentage wise.
Has anyone heard a time line from Verizon as to when they plan on getting the whole area running on Fios?
It would be nice to at least get a time frame, opposed to “we’ll let you know when it’s available” messages they’ve been handing out for the past 3 years
i have seen no future road map for verizon…
I shot an email over to channel 2 about the rates going up for TW… perhaps you guys should 2… that way they get in time warners face about it @ least
Who did you email? I don’t have RR, but I’ll send one out… those fuckers RAPE people on their services.