prefer something with a qwerty keyboard and/or touch screen, if it requires a data plan thats fine IDC…LMK if ya got anything…
I have an LG ENV2. $60
Damn u missed out I just sold my droids lastweek…
Bit of advice though before u buy any phone make sure u got verizons 1800 number on speed dial cuz if u buy a phone from someone who stiffed verizon the phone will have a bad esn and will be a paperweight!!
Anyone selling a phone should have no issue with a 3 min phone call to verizon which will ensure ur making a smart investment… If they have a issue they got sumtin to hide and u dont wanna deal with them… Good Luck
LG Voyager vx10000
Samsung Blackjack (verizon)
Both in decent shape, but used with some imperfections…
Just laying around in a box- let me know if you want pics/info
i have a verizon cholclet
yessir i know…and damn i would have loved a droid! thats the ideal phone! lol
interested…PM me
also id like to ad…id like it if it had a decent internet browser as well…(not quite a requirement but its somehting id like to have:) )
I have a Samsung i760, runs Windows Mobile, have no idea what version or if I can find the charger. I’ll check when I’m home.
ive got a motorola droid, check the for sale post i just put up