creams pants
I don’t even want to know how much this costs.
I would think that lighting up the tires in fourth gear would be exciting… :rolleyes:
sweet sleeper…
WHAT? :finga:
PLEASE!! SOMEONE tell me hes joking???
Yeah F1 cars are also sleepers… so are jet cars i mean theres only a giant jet on the back of the car no one would ever expect it to be fast hahahaha
oooooo…the hotness…I guess if you have the money to spend on a Gallardo then you have the money to make it faster than it really is…
OH that is Photochopped for SURE!!!
lol. That would be sweet. There is a TT Ferrari in Calgary.
Damn, if that’s photoshopped they nailed the reflection on the piping. I would die if it I saw it in person.
No, not photochopped, it’s from Heffner Performance out of Sarasota Florida, 700 bhp. 11.4@129mph quarter. He did a TT Ford GT too (took out the sc)- 800 bhp, 11.1@139mph quarter. It’s slower than stock to 60 because the tires just go up in smoke, onces it’s moving tho’ watch out!
I kinda figured it wasn’t photoshopped.
Gallardo TT >>>> TT Ford GT
All four tires spinning like a mofo
gallardo is rwd, i thought he merc. is 4wd.
Gallardo is 4WD, this one’ll do a four wheel burnout. No guarantees on how long the clutch will hold out though!
Did people really think I was serious about the photochop? lol.
I can only imagine how fast that thing is.
people thought I was serious about it being a sleeper GAWD I AM A JACKASS PEOPLE Andrei you should know that jerk off