

gayer then darkstar trying to park at a pizza place and take his keys

It’s actually a pretty good way to network with people in your field. I have a personal account and one for work (We use Twitter to communicate instead of say Blackberry Messenger, etc).

Yes it is a good way to “Network” along with… LinkedIN, Facebook, Myspace, etc, oh and how bout this the biggest new one to hit the scene BEING SOCIAL. I understand the point, and the pros and cons of all these sites… I think its utterly worthless though to have all these “hype sites” that basically do the same thing.

I suppose in regards to twitter “network” wasn’t the right term. It allows you to follow the big heads in whatever field you are in and you can see what they’re talking about, what’s hot in that area, and keep up to date with new trends and ideas.

There is no way anyone could actually speak that sentence out loud without a cock hanging out of their mouth.

^ the pedophile has a point


what is this cockspew of nonsense you speak of?

CNN says it is cool.

what about


I personally thinks its ridiculous, who the fuck cares what your doing every second? I think a lot of this “social networking” crap is ruining peoples ability to function in the real world. I’ll even go as far as calling it unhealthy. Im open minded, but who really cares that you just ate an apple, or sneezed? STFU and get a life…

I agree that some people go overboard with the social networking sites, but like our society, everything is very fast paced - happen now kind of attitude.

I think with the limited time and increased activity in the average persons life, it is nice to have somewhere to share photos or information with friends/family without having to actively email to every person.

I use myspace a few times a week to check out friends and family new pictures. Seems to work ok, and I hardly thing it is effecting the way I “function in the real world.” Like anything, there are extremists in ANY situation, so don’t get it twisted and let those addicts distort your view.

Oh I hear that, I have a facebook, and a few photos thrown up that my FRIENDS that I actually know in the “real world” can check out. Others have 23,932 pictures of them standing in every square foot of every bar with every different type of drink ever made. C’mon now. Some of these assholes live their lives searching for things to put on twitter and facebook. Those are the ones with problems, and a lot more of them are popping up.