Two Good Bills This Week

What’s going on in this country? All of a sudden we have two bills that are both for self responsibility? Is this really America, home of the “it’s never my fault” generation?

First, looks like you won’t be able to sue McDonalds because you’re a fatass and you eat there everyday:
So people are actually themselves responsible for what they put in their mouth? Common sense? Wow.

Then we have today’s announcement about the firearms industry:,2933,172896,00.html

And lets not forget that vicarious liability was struck down with the recent highway bill. So no longer can car manufactures be sued when people leasing a car get into an accident.

Could we have finally reached a tipping point where America is no longer going to tolerate allowing money hungry lawyers to simply drag in anyone they can find that has deep pockets?


I love that burger bill, sooooooooooooooooo wrong to sue for that. Stuff like that makes me so pissed off, no shit McDonalds makes you fat!!!

its about time :tup:

you mean if i eat supersize meals all the time and my lazy ass just sits around im going to get fat?! omghi2u i better sue mcdonalds for making me fat because its their fault i cant control my appetite

i tried to find the lewis black clip from the daily show where a guy that was sueing mcdonalds was on good morning america. he claimed he was unaware of the fat in the food and it cuts back to lewis black going, “geeze, i didn’t know that fat. cooked in fat. had fat in it” lol.

:tup: to cheeseburger bill

OMFG!!! We have to be responsible for our own actions?!?! That’s bull shit!

seriously, all of that is motion in the right direction. :tup:

SOOOOOOO where is the bill that you cant sue cigarette companies because you got cancer from their product?

Same thing as the burger bill - cancer clause?

I am sueing Earth because i breath to well.

I’m sure they are working on that one…lol

They are probably trying to figure out which ingredients (specifically) causes cancer. Once they do that, there will probably be a long, dragged out series of hearings trying to ban that ingredient (my bet is on asbestos…yup…it’s in cigarettes) and then another dragged out legislation to protect the cigarette companies from lawsuits of that nature, and then another series of counter-suits trying to put the crap back in cigarettes.

You fucking smokers should just quit already. need to relieve stress? sprain an ankle and get hooked on morphine.

They know the chemicals in cigarettes that cause cancer, there are dozens of them. The problem is, like the rest of the problems with this country, is that the politicians are being bought off with huge sums of money from these companies. As much money as fast food companies rake in, it doesn’t compare to what cigarette companies make.

^ word. for $50 a carton at a grocery store, you bet they are raking in some huge cash. Even the $22 at the rez…that’s a bunch of money…it adds up FAST.

Here’s my stance on the cig thing. If you started smoking back when they made smoking out to be a part of a healthy lifestyle, quit when evidence started coming out about how bad they were and still got cancer, you can sue. Even if you didn’t quit but started in those times, you should still get something, at least if you can show you tried to quit but failed. Anyone from “our” generation should be kicked out of court and hit with full court costs for wasting the courts time. The pack of cigarettes has a warning right on it that says “THIS WILL KILL YOU”. So sorry, you should have known better.

haha think about how all the fat fuckers must feel right now who were on their way to a lawsuit.

tough break guys.

I approve of these bills. :tup:

But how much undesirable shit have they pork-barrelled onto them…