Two random pics of the TDI

No. You were outnumbered by people who aren’t as mentally retarded as yourself.

I am GM all the way, but even I must admit that you are an embarrassment to humanity.

dude the new jettas are MASSIVE inside. wicked nice, and alot higher build quality than some GM monte cholo… they have 236lb/ft of tq available from just above idle. its a 3100lb car i would say thats pretty good.

modded who knows with the 2010s. they arent drag cars.

mine never would be, i didnt buy it to be fast, but if i can get a low 15s out of it with a few simple mods thats more than enough for me. if i want to go fast ill get on my motorcycle.

Why am I an embarrassment ? Explain. I like my car and how it looks? All I said was meh to the jetta because it very plain and not fast. You bought your ss for the same reason. It’s faster a d flashier than the ls or base cobalt n

What the fuck is so hard to understand.

And thus fucking iPhone autocorrect blows n

I never imagined that were big inside. Also I hate to buy a car for mpgs. It goes against the fuel burner inside me.

Like I said before, it’s ALL in how you PRESENT yourself and your vehicles.

O well. I guess I did a shitty job. So if I go to kohls will I be shunned or will anyone talk to me?

Maybe I’ll have to drive the trans am or formula to not be hated

Going to Kohls looking for some kind of respect is your first problem.

I’m deffy not going there looking for respect. Just wondering if I’ll be hated or if people have thick skin

i didnt buy a TDI because i love mother earth and saving the whales. i bought it because its tough to beat. i enjoy driving, i do about 500 miles a week(not even a full tank) it costs me about 48$ to fill my tank. with my old gasser 500 miles was about 1.5 tanks, or about 75$ in gas. it just makes sense to own one.

Totally understand. Is their a large aftermarket for the brand new tdi jettas?

not sure my car is old. i do know that you can get an exhaust, an intake and a programmer for the 2010’s.

As far as engine performance, it’s starting to come along. Computer upgrades can yield +40hp and +80ft lbs (unitronics) and there are a few others out there. The CR 2.0 engine is rather new ('09+ TDI engine) so development is in the works. There are a couple of companys that make catback exhaust systems and intakes now too. It’s not going to make it any kind of dragster but I’d say 14’s would be attainable.

Mods in other areas as far as body, suspension, wheels, lighting, stereo/electronics, etc its just like any of the other gas models so those are all readily accessible.

dude you should get a turbadizzle with the amount of driving you do. do et,do et noaw!

:rofl @ Brett and “GM monte cholo”

Nick, did you have the smoked OEM tails before?

nick, love the new tails!!! the lip spoiler is def sweet too! cant wait to see wheels/susp. for this thing!

Yes Sir.

Thanks man!! That’ll come in the spring as long as I’m not completely broke from fixing the other two dumpers.

You mean balllllin asss cars

Wanna sell them?