Twomodified4u's Turbo S2000 Build

what does this car running 8’s have to do with alex’s old setup? no offense to alex i know he never got a chance to dial it in and had clutch issues, but this setup already outran alex’s setup with a gt30r, so to compare them just doesnt make any sense.

alex was running a 40r not a gtx42r. the GTX42r is easily capable of more than 50% more power than alex’s car ever made. it will be running slicks, alex’s car never ran on slicks, a twin disk clutch alex’s car never had a twin disk clutch. alex’s car didnt have a built tranny, this will.

i never said power was the only variable in getting a car down the track. i just said it wont need 15" wide slicks, thats just ridiculous. it will have more than enough power, it will have the traction, people bitch about LVD but every car i’ve run has hooked fairly well there, driving abilities time will tell. i’m not saying it is going to run 8’s out the gate, but clearly the car should be capable once dialed in.