Typical Camaro. Broke Down.

oh say his name, say it, say it!!! :banana

You will have to read the decal on my car !

Pete, talk to this kid and set it up for whenever this weekend I dont care…im just not gonna go to the kids work when I have never met him before to ask if he wants to run me.

you have my cell number also.

Haha! yesss!!! Get some more made dude!!!

yeah you saw it, and I talked to my friend he is going to get some more he has about 8 of them but they are packed away from moving.

you going out tonight?

haha me and frank the tank thought of that!!! I love it!

oh i know who it is, i just want to see the name plastered all over the site again :nod

Frank the Tank? hmmm wonder if I know him

Frank, he had a dark blue LS1, black z06 rims, 200shot… fat guy ;D

he sold it and yeah thats him, he is the guy that got my car fixed right ! ;D

thats as scary as having redline work on it

:confused whats your problem with frank…cuz big matt dont like him? Frank has helped me NUMEROUS times, awesome guy if your in the good with him…

Just shit Ive heard from people whose cars he’s worked on. Thats not counting other shit Ive heard.

ill say it REDLINE SUCKS

thats all i got out of what you said.

dont believe everything you HEAR


Maybe so but when its from a few different people I start to wonder.

sending pm.

ive heard a few peoples opinions about you…doesnt mean its acurate lol