U Like Mighty Taco?

Well Please vote for the Mighty Taco Modified. This is the Last round of Please Vote for my friend.


Karl Hehr #59

Karl is one of the nicest guys out there racing. He was injured very badly in a accident @ the track towards the end of the year Which he had to get mercy flighted to ECMC. Doctors do not know how he pulled through this and is now out walking and talking. We have thrown a benifit party for him in order to pay some of the large bills from the hospital

I think this will cheer him up a lil bit if he wins this.

there is the car. i think it looks far from ugly :slight_smile:

its tied at 29%



plus one

what happend accident wise ive heard he got real hurt but i have never found pics of a story of what happend




voted cuz i like it.

inb4Mhosscomesinthreadandcomplains :slight_smile:



i was at that race…that was fucked up. everyone thot he was dead in the pits…

im in ur thread, voting for ur doodz


wtf asshole jerkface how dare you post this for people to vote on hope you die a painful death in a tub of battery acid you pos ahole sumbitchpileamonkeynuts!!!1!

k voted :tup:

voted, wheres my taco now?

32 votes.
I voted.

Good Luck!


haha thanks guys

You guys are voting for this guy just because you like mighty and twisted asked you to?!?!?!?!?!

Because so am I.

