U2N DYNO wont be at the Niagara meet

lets all point and get really upset with Dan.

tsk tsk.

he’s going to africa to recruit for a sweatshop he is starting or something…

anyways, yeah, i dont know how else to break the news to people other than to just post it up here.

my dreams of a dyno on-site have been dashed once more.

i also read that the dyno day @ JDM-Imports was cancelled as well

what happened??

exactly what i said, he is going to africa

i cant belive you guys didnt know that dan is getting deported… :frowning: he was giving us damn near free dyno time because he knew, that if he tried charging more that he would get popular, people would talk, and find out he is an illegal immagrant lol


that s some sucks :frowning:

Sorry gang…next time :slight_smile:

this was scheduled for last week or two weeks ago…

Dan’s not in Africa yet… (is he??) hehe



Just wear a safari hat and bring the dyno… I’m sure we can convice a few members to dress up like monkeys and lions then run around making strange sounds. I mean its almost the same as usual just in costumes.

We also have a few “sweat shop” compatible members I’m sure if you look hard enough…

Do it!

Weaksauce, Dan. :frowning:

i’m actually thinking that it might be reasonable to consider rescheduling…

i dont know if i will be able to do a second one this year, i havent been able to since 05…

having the dan there is pretty important.

what do you guys think?

you wanna go ahead with this one and just see if we can do another one or push this one back into june?

If we push it back to June I know I’ll make a heck of alot more noise on the Dyno!

So I’m okay with it.

Just not June 9-11th weekend! :slight_smile:

when will u be freee then dan?

just do this one and then see if we can do another one. or just hold a pure dyno day near the end of the year or something.

yeah that might be a good idea…

i just like to keep adding elements to it, now i have to regroup a little

Re-schedule preferred. I second it NOT being the June 9-11 weekend though. Anniversary weekend and I’ve already managed to bump it a day due to a dunnville track day falling on June 10th.

it couldnt be that weekend anyways because i will be out of town that weekend.

cant be june 3 because of CSCS… but then we’re getting pretty late into the summer… it would likley be better to try it twice at that point

just write a date and people will come if people cant come there is always year end and alway sthe weekly meets. but it would be good toget it on a day the majority would come. get’rdone lets go get to work lazy fooools

I kinda like the idea of changing the date, We will have Dan there and it will give people more time to get their cars up and running, or completing their winter projects as i saw a few people posting in the niagara thread that their cars wouldnt be ready foir the meet. And the way things are looking for me my car wont be ready either :frowning:

i dont want dan there anyways.

he smells like cheesedoodles.