UAE Terrorists or not?

terrorists are going to blow it up

All built with courtesy with our blood/oil money. Fuck Dubai and the rest of the middle east, I hope they fall into the ocean.

Whatever… where do you think the terrorists come from? Saudi arabia ,dubai ,united arab fucktards etc. etc.

exactly there going to do it to eachother

not a chance

[genralizing]Dubai - build by terrorists for terrorists. [/generalizing]

It’s sort of like a vacation getaway for them before a mission :rofl

Ignorance is bliss, the UAE’s revenue is only 1/20 developed by oil, it has become a finance capital and huge tourist attraction. The reason they can build cool shit like this is its costing them 1/3 would it would cost us to build, in spite of the ultra high cost of living there, they don’t have union, code and other US regulations to slow them down. If they want something like this built, they get the plans and if it isn’t legal for what ever reason they change the laws and start building immediately, we would start a comity and talk about it for a few years first, which all costs money.

The irony that Americans think this is where terrorist come from, from oil producing nations, yet they drive terribly insufficient vehicles and only support them more. Only in America would you hate someone and then support them more in order to fulfill your ego.

I call severe bullshit…not to mention i will call on your ethnic background. They hate us, Muslims hate jews period bro… thats it… thats all they wrote. They also don’t like christians very much, strict muslim countries teach they’re children to hate americans as much as were trained to hate them. It’s been that way since the romans killed christ but hey… So if dubai isn’t getting money from oil where does it come from? Investors in other “arab” countries? They’re blood money? We have an awesome supply of oil but we wont sell it to ourselves for what it costs fuck no lets ship it around the gulf of mexico until the price skyrockets and then sell it. Fuck republican ideals…hell fuck the republicans period. Tis is there war, this is there money making scheme…Bush’s family profits from oil period… again end of fucking story. It’s a viscious circle which will never end. I hate and will continue to hate. Thank you.

wow this took off fast holy shit…i say fuck em all…nuke it

dubai will likely have terrorist attacks from the same extremists we are fighting due to they’re acception of western culture.

These terrorist extremists come from just about every Arab nation and some non-arab nation. That does not mean that these nations support terrorism.

I have no interest in going to Dubai, yes they have cool shit, but its WAY too expensive, I’m cheap :slight_smile: I’m not one of the Americans who’s disillusioned into thinking its the new hot spot for the ultra elite, I know how much they hate us and refuse to support it. I also refuse to drive a gas guzzling hog, maybe its not a huge statement, but if more supported that logic it would take its toll on their economies.

I’m certainly not challenging your claims about the Bush family, their relationship with elite Saudi’s(the Bin Ladens) is well documented and there is no point in beating a dead horse. I would consider myself someone of moderate wealth and I look at these people extorting their country and ask why, how much money does one really need to be happy? The quality of your life will change very little if you have $25m or $125m, a human can only spend so much and the money chasing mentality is something I will never understand. Sit back and enjoy what you have, you can’t take it with you.

Its a shame we won’t be able to see how things sort themselves out in 100 years, when the oil runs out these wealthy Arab countries will return to their old ways, the cities will start to collapse and they will no longer remain a threat to civilized nations. If Israel survives I suspect they will start to take over the middle east as the Arab nations start their inevitable decline. In 150 years from now the Arabs will probably be in the same boat they were in 200 years ago, a harmless, primitive desert dwelling people. China and Pakistan may even take over some of those nations. The point I am trying to make is due to the spending habits of Arabs, they acknowledge they don’t believe in banks or saving, as the oil dries up so will their lifestyle and global impact.

Both political parties are fucked six ways from Sunday, the Republicans war mongering and the Democrats cries for more socialism are lost causes. Anyone who aligns themselves with one party in this day and age is blind. There is no accountability anyone, everyone is too busy pointing fingers at one another to get anything done, government waste is at an all time high and those who know what needs to be done can’t get things done because of too many “special interest groups” and the media certainly doesn’t. Yes Bush was wrong, but at this point we can’t go back and rewrite history, so lets try to make the best of a shitty situation and move on. Like I said there is no accountability and its a shame.

The world as a whole is pretty fucked right now, a few nations are truly thriving but most are just trying to out endure each other. With all the crap we bitch about this is still as good as it gets, I’ve been doing a lot of research over the last few weeks about moving abroad and it doesn’t seem like the best move as thing stand. The USA is still ranked in the top 20 for HDI around the world, the difference from place 1 through 20 is 0.027, with number one being Iceland at 0.968 and twentieth being Italy at 0.941, the USA is twelfth at 0.951 Human Development Index - Wikipedia In terms of climate, isolation and freedom the USA seems like the obvious choice to remain in a potentially chaotic world.

I’ll end my post with a simple and famous quote “the grass is always greener on the other side.”

well said. I can finally agree with some of your politics.

random fact 1 in 5 Veyrons are going to UAE

Dubai is becoming a center for huge corporations due to incentives for the companies to build and develop there, so not all of its money is from petroleum. I just think that it is coming up way too fast and it will start to decline just as quickly. As far as terrorists attacking the UAB… I dunno, but a lot of Range Rovers and BMW’s would be destroyed.

so the question is…

exactly how much C4 CAN you stuff inside a new range rover sport???

Ignorance is not just here, it’s everywhere. People are ignorant in general, but with the age of technology the gap is diminishing. I’m not going to make a comment on Dubai ATM other than, can’t blame people here for it, because I’m sure the UAE residents are ignorant in many aspects as well.

Nuke em til they glow, shoot em at night. If I had a buck for everytime I heard that when I was in the AF. lol

:+1 Ignorant people are everywhere. You have the rednecks that will argue with you all day that a Honda cant be fast unless it has a carburated sb chevy in it, and you have people like Sudam who gassed a couple thousand Kurds. Lets not even get on the subject of Hitler. Ignorant people are all over the world at all different levels.

Ignorance and hate go hand in hand.

To those who say “nuke 'em” would they feel so strong if they were attached to the nuke? probably not, yet the people who they want to nuke would sacrifice themselves with out a second thought. The resolve terrorists have is something that has been lacking in this country for a LONG time, no one believes in anything enough to knowingly give themselves up to it. Its sad that what Nathan Hale said over 200 years ago means so little today, people proudly gave up their lives in our history for something they believed was more important, the United States of America.