The Cost of Dubai

An interesting article from CNN today.

Funny how liberals will cry about civil rights being violated if we “profile” someone a terrorist because of their ethnic origin, but not only do they appear to be just fine with it in this case they were screaming for it. Got to hand it to Shmucker and Billary though, they played this perfectly to their base. Get the media to blow it up, get the general public thinking UAE is a terrorist training camp, and watch everyone jump on the anti UAE bandwagon. In the end even the GOP had to turn on the UAE because John Q Public is now sure Bin Laden is the president of the UAE.

You know it’s funny… Down here in the south, we didn’t hear any soundbytes from the familiar Democratic senators. We did hear Spectre and Sue Myreck. Myreck’s “over my dead body” letter to Bush was actually published on the whole front page.

This issue wasn’t a DvsR thing, it was the people vs the administration. While unfortunatly blind racism may have played a part, I think we can all agree that it probably isn’t a good idea for national security, to have our ports controlled by a STATE OWNED company of a foreign nation. Think about it, would you want Canada’s version of the FAA controlling our airspace? What country it was should be irrellevant. It was a bad idea that this administration tried to slip past us on a friday afternoon before a holiday weekend. Shady Shit.

dude, this fucking mess is the fault of YOUR party and its giant hard on for fake national security crisis’…my party just decided to be fucknuts and exploit a nothing into a huge shit storm b/c they had support form the majority of people in YOUR party. If this came to a vote in the house it would be 433 to 2…so don’t go blaming clinton b/c the mentality that your party put voters in to get elected got turned around on you.

What would you have posted if John Kerry would have said “I’m going to sell the operations of a bunch of US ports to the UAE” in one of the debates? You’d have flipped your shit.

So you think its a good idea to have the UAE controlling our ports?

There wasn’t much left vs. right in this issue, since most of the republicans thought it was a bad idea anyway. Hey but stay on your sinking ship of a president, we’ll all have good laugh 10 years from now about the people that blindly supported him for so long.

I think the fact that we basically told a nation that has been helping us in the war on terror, “Sorry, you’re an Arab nation, so you must be terrorists and can’t do business here” is scary policy. Early on when the shit storm was still quite small the UAE company said they had no problem slowing down the deal and letting a full investigation be done. But nope, sorry, you fucking Arabs are nothing but terrorists, we don’t even want to bother looking into it. Great message to send as we’re trying to show the Middle East that we don’t think all Muslims are terrorists huh?

I did the same thing most people did when the first heard about this deal, I said, “who the hell thought this was a good idea”. Of course, the way the media presented it made it sound like we were signing the ports over to Bin Laden Trading LTD, which is far from the real case. But oh well, once you get the 90% of our population that are too stupid to read beyond the headlines feeling one way it’s pretty much impossible to turn back. Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives… none if it matters. The real power is in the media.

Hey Joe, I know Clinton was your messiah, so did it come as a shock to you when you found out he supported the ports deal?

does it come as a shock to you that I’m not against the deal from an economic standpoint? No one is. It’s about VOTES & Politics not logic.

And the media did not turn this into what it became, I know you LOVE blaming this so called liberal media…but this is really more of the culture your party has created of gut shot emotional response when it comes to national security…It’s how you’ve stayed in power for the last 2 elections.

The only country that should have a hand in US Ports is the US. PERIOD. Anything else is opening yourself up for trouble. Nobody is saying the Arabs can’t do business here. It’s just stupid to outsource something that will have a major impact on the country, when there is unemployment still going on here. Why not get some Americans to do that job? Why not give an American company a chance? We have enough prosperity in this country that we’re gonna give away a contract like that to a foreign country? That’s rediculous.

It comes as a shock to me that you are saying you are not against something GW is for. I’m honestly looking out my window scanning the horizon for pigs flying. :lol:

But seriously, I don’t know where I stand on letting DP World run the ports because we never got far enough to know who runs DP World (or at least the news never bothered reporting on it). I do know that I can’t agree with people saying, “Well, they’re Arab’s right… we better not let them do it because they’re probably just a bunch of terrorists” without so much as even looking into DP World.

It’s run by the gov’t of UAE…I’m all for not letting foreign gov’t controlled companies manage ports b/c I think it’s a bad idea in general. In fact I think it’s a bad idea for ANY company to manage a port, it should be left to the government so security information doesn’t get bogged down.

So am I against the sale? Yes, but no more than I am against its original sale to the british company. But if a british company can manage it w/o issue, so should the UAE company.

At the same time, an Arab company does present more security risks. Closet islamic fundamentalists certainly have a higher % of showing up in Arab business than say a British company.

It is a situation that requires a nuanced approach. There is no black and white.

But overshadowing all of this is that we need to find a practical way to scan 100% of the containers that enter the country.

You mean so an American union could get a slice of the pie and make sure the company goes bankrupt in a year or two? So some union worker can say “Not my job to worry about what’s in the crates, that’s what my union rep said”. Yeah, I’m sure the port would be a lot safer run that way.

I’m not really following your logic there. Thinking this way you might as well kick Honda and Toyota out of the US and tell them they can’t build cars here either. Damn Japanese taking away our American jobs. Do you really think DP World is going to fly people in from UAE every day to work down on the docks? No, the dock workers would more than likely still be US citizens since the ports are here.

Doesn’t have to be a Union company. Never said that.

If Unions are such an issue, what better way to start than from the ground up without a union? You are going to get some level of corruption/redtape no matter which option you choose.

Having another country control our ports is bad for national security regardless of what country it is. As much as I would hat e to say it, it would be easier for a member of Al Queida to smuggle somthing in this country with Dubai in controll of our ports.

It took less then 25 people to make 9/11 a reality.

I’m sorry JayS that region of the world has brought most of this negativity on its own. If the UAE wants to start doing major buisness in this country it needs to do everything in its power to seperate itself from its radical elements.

Kinda like how Clinton fucked us over with NAFTA.

Why make the same mistake twice? :shrug:

I remember when republicans celebrated that…NAFTA was a REPUBLICAN idea fyi

Don’t say that, and wreck his view of reality :slight_smile: