Very professional journalist documentary on the war on terror.
Very professional journalist documentary on the war on terror.
Terrorism, not Terror. It’s a war on Terrorism.
Okay, now that that’s out of the way, I will watch the video
turquoise jewelry ties that outfit together.
with all the propoganda about Iran and missiles i wonder if the US will third-party-nuke them this year?
no other reason pretend so loudly, and so frequently, that they are a threat.
i hope so. then we can pay more for gas. We are gonna take over the whole middle east and then pay $8 a gallon for gas here. :picard:
oh don’t worry about any of the lives lost / ruined, or political consequences. Just sweat over gas prices.
Oh shut up, you don’t know anyone in Iran. Just more faceless brown people for the US to kill. Where’s cougarspeed? He’s had some time off from killing brown people.
one of my best friends cousins aunts uncles etc are all “trapped” there. his family was lucky enough to sneak out of there and come here.
LOL for real WTF!
I was as nice and polite to everyone I encountered over there as possible.:shoot::snky: Thats my story and I am sticking to it. But for real now war with Iran for one reason…I dont feel like going there. I really like this America place.