UB Campus WTF moment (Look only if you have time to waste)

This is a UB Campus WTF Moment.

A friend and I were driving around campus, and we saw something very strange and funny behind CFA:

(scroll down)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

He almost crashed his car in the parking lot. :slight_smile:

How exactly do you make an entertaining musical about menopause that people would actually want to sit through? :eyebrow: Somebody has got to be very creative, or some fool has a lot of money that needed separation.

Anyways, with all the laughing that was done, people started to stare so we left.

I love working on a college campus.

P.S. Screw all you people that I told about this that didn’t believe me. There’s the picture. It was too wacky not to be true, even I couldn’t make something up this good :stuck_out_tongue:

Coming soon to a theatre near you: Mid-Life Crisis: The ACTION MOVIE, unless someone has beat me to the rights :eekdance:

Is it still there? I must go see!


i would have believed you had you told me initially!!! :mad:

As of 7:00pm it’s still there. Loading dock area between CFA and Alumni. :mamoru:


haha if i was that trucker i’d just quit instead

Uh… Wow.

It’s like, the Vagina Monolouges or something


I won’t say what I want to say in response to that…

WTFBBQ… what’s next… Abortion the musical?

yay for hot flashes and sleepless nights!!
weeeeeeee… yay for menopause.

look at those happy people kicking for joy. wow, I can’t wait.

Exactly. It must be a depressing musical. Who the hell celebrates hot flashes? :shrug:

were you rollin in a red audi?


what is the next musical going to be about, smelly vaginal discharge? or maybe anal warts. They would be just as entertaining.

When I was about 9 or 10 I was waiting for my mom to finish getting her hair doned. I was going to get mine cut after her. Anyway, it’s a fairly nice salon.

This old lady says out of nowhere, “Gosh is it hot in here,”

and I replied “No, it’s cold.”

Then she replied, “The doctor said I shouldn’t be getting any more of these hot flashes, but I keep getting them!”

So on the way home my mom turned on the heater and I said that I was having hot flashes. She burst out laughing at me. :frowning: She left it for me to figure out what they really were. :mad: Susan…:mad:

That’s here in A-town all the time, maybe it’s where they were from, or it’s just been here forever.

I almost died laughing the first time I saw it.

I am going and have extra tickets. Who wants in?

Yep :tspry: